I’m on a Self Love kick lately and I’m hoping many of you will join me. especially after the eclipse and New Moon in Libra this past weekend. I feel this strong sense that it’s time to step forward and never look back. To end the comparisons and the self criticism. A time to truly embody the Divine Feminine Empress energy. Falling in love with ourselves in the name of the highest good for all beings. We owe this to ourselves and to one another because once we do this, then finally we can begin to see the changes we’ve been crying out for on our troubled planet.
On this Divine Feminine Solo Episode I invite you to join me in the Sacred circle of Divine love for the self. To begin seeing yourself in the light which you are truly; one of perfection and unconditional value and worth. A vision of self, free from hate and full of acceptance, understanding, and about making the best decision for ourselves even if that means needing to release people and situations from our lives to gain greater peace. Loving ourselves enough to no longer be cruel to ourselves or subject ourselves to others who are. I offer some initial steps and exercises to cultivate this energy of love and regard and release the way things have been that no longer belong in our hearts, minds, or beings.
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Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken
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