Hello Beautiful Audience!

In my first collaboration series on the show I join with my dear friend, Kayla Van Egdom, health coach and energy healer, to explore Feminine Sexuality; its complicated nature and immense power. In this, the first of 3 Episodes with Kayla, we discuss Women’s relationship with sex. We ask the question of why Women often feel conflicted about acting on sexual desires and being able to enjoy or feel empowered through sex. Kayla and I offer ways to move towards sitting in the thrown of your Authentic Self and taking the steps to develop a healthy, balanced, and enjoyable sex life. We also draw parallels to Sex and relationship Women have with food, eating, and body image.

Please let us know any thoughts or questions you have around the topics discussed on this episode by emailing Whitney at: Whitney@womenwaken.com. And send in questions you’d like us to address on have next weeks episode, Stepping Into Your Sexual Power.

You can connect with Kayla and Whitney here:

IG: @kaylavanegdom

IG: @womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken