It’s remarkable how naturally Humans tend to take things for granted. So often we yearn & yearn for something, only to dismiss it once we get it & ask, “what’s next?” When we neglect to take time to appreciate the things we have in our lives, what we have achieved and who we have become, we miss out on the glory of delighting in & enjoying ourselves and the gifts we possess. The definition of appreciation is expressed admiration and approval. This is what we want to start offering ourselves, in all situations, if we’re ready to begin truly coming into our own Divine Feminine light of love & peace with ourselves.
On today’s Identify & Heal Solo episode, I offer ways to identify the mental patterns we develop that keep us focused on lack & scarcity and ways to shift them to see the assets and value present instead. Then I explore deeper into what it means to truly appreciate something and how it can be the game changer in bringing about true abundance & the life we’ve always dreamed of having.
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Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082…
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken
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