Welcome to WomenWaken. Whether you’re seeking healing, recovery, spiritual services or to delve into the possibilities of recreating our world in a way that embraces the divine qualities of the feminine, you’ve come to the right place! Women Waken is born out of enthusiasm, excitement and passion about the possibilities for our experience of ourselves and the world, and what it could become with a shift in its dynamics. If you listen to any teachings of spiritual guides, mystics, or even historians and sociologists you begin to hear a theme about the future of our world and what the key ingredients are for its success. It is the idea of a reintroduction of the feminine qualities that have been so largely lacking in our society. Women Waken is not about a distinction between men and women, it is an invitation for all individuals to allow themselves to Waken to the feminine qualities within which have been repressed and minimized for most of our known history. These are the qualities of balance, harmony, equality, nurturing, love, joy, enchantment, forgiveness, acceptance, sufficiency, security, kindness and compassion.
In the current state of our world, we do not collectively place a high value on these traits. They are not seen as what garners power, money, influence, profit, innovation, growth, development all of which we have decided are of the utmost importance. This decision is harming us as a society, individually, as well as the planet. We have lost touch with one another and the land we live on. Pretty soon all of this will be no longer without a drastic shift in the way we do things. Women Waken is working to illuminate the power and abilities of the feminine, opening the space for it to more fully come forth and restore balance and harmony on the planet. It is encouraging the connection of women in order to collaborate, innovate, and awaken to the gifts of their true nature.
The purpose of Women Waken is to shine a light for you to walk your own path, to begin to trust your own guidance and move into the life you desire.