Our relationship with money is often pretty complicated for many of us. It can seem challenging to have a healthy, stable, and successful money relationship that allows us to thrive, be financially secure, and have the life we desire. So, like any other matter in life when challenges arise, a coach can help. Susan Shloss followed her calling as a Certified Money Coach and now facilitates breakthroughs in her clients’ relationship with money. By combining practical financial expertise with intuitive inspiration, she guides her clients to ground the spiritual into the material, opening the door to greater prosperity on all levels. Susan and I have a beautiful conversation around the intersection of money and spirituality and how ultimately money is energy, therefore, our beliefs and fears around it determines our experience with it. We explore how money issues can manifest as addiction and has many parallels to our struggles with food, sex and love. Susan also serenades us with a bit of her magnificent violin playing. 

Susan Shloss, Certified Money Coach (CMC)®, has more than 20 years in the financial services industry, Susan has worked as an investment specialist and operations manager at Charles Schwab and built a 6-figure bookkeeping business. She is committed to doing her part to change the system of dominance and oppression to one of equity and inclusion. Susan offers powerful tools that create deep shifts in a supportive environment of compassion and respect. She aspires to facilitate transformation for all who struggle with money.

Susan’s Music Therapy degree informs her work as a coach and musician, providing sound healing with violin to enhance the experience of her audience. She brings her longtime study of energy healing, bodywork, yoga, and a lifelong meditation practice to support her clients in the self-care at the foundation of an abundant life.

Learn more about Susan and find out how you can work with her and attend her events here!

Website: https://moneywisdomcoach.com/

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenspiritualityandmoney

Join the Money, Justice & Spirituality Symposium: https://moneywisdomcoach.com/money-justice-spirituality/

Visit Susan’s website where you can take the Money Type Quiz and set up a Money Insight Breakthrough call: https://moneywisdomcoach.com/