It is hard to find anyone in our world today who doesn’t struggle to fully love and accept themselves. From the time we are born we are impacted by the events and circumstances of our lives so heavily that we can begin to believe they have the ability to build up or break down who we are as a human beings. We can spend a lifetime trying to feel whole and at peace with ourselves. My radiant guest, Monica Rodgers, has made it her life’s work to guide women on this exact journey through their inner (r)evolution. On this episode we traverse many related topics including why women are the key to harmony and sustainability in the 21st Century, how to say Yes to the Mess, why the mess is a portal into self-liberation and self-love, and why circling with women is more important than ever.

Monica Rodgers is a tireless advocate for the full actualization of women, inspiring women everywhere that saying “YES to the MESS” is the missing link to self-love and personal liberation and awakening. Through The Revelation Project Podcast and group coaching programs, Monica guides women from trance to transcendence, revealing the toxic myths of social conditioning and self-doubt in order to illuminate the magic and magnificence of our imperfect selves. She believes that women can take action towards realizing our true potential only when we stop proving and striving to be who everyone wants us to be. When we reveal the truth of who we are, we return to our “original design” and

with the practice of self-love and compassion, we become aligned, opening the portal into our divine purpose where true prosperity dwells. There has never been a more important time for women to reveal the truth of who we are as a catalyst for positive change in the world as the

Divine Feminine returns in the Sophia Century.

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