Happy Autumn Equinox, Super Full Moon in Aries, October, & Eclipse season! Ya, there’s a lot going on right now. SO I wanted to do an episode to acknowledge this beautiful, beloved time that is Autumn (in the Northern Hemisphere). A time that leads us into the last quarter of the year and welcomes in all the cozy comforts as the days begin to get shorter, the temperature colder, and life slows down a little bit. And even if you’re not in the Northern Hemisphere, there might be an important message in the episode for you still.

On this Divine Feminine solo episode I share some of the themes around the Autumn Equinox, ways to embrace this season of the year, and give another little up date on my cross country travels as I peep leaves of the Fall foliage. 

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Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here: 
Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken