I’ve been speaking for a few episodes now about the importance of putting your focus on knowing and honoring your worth. I share quite a bit about about my own struggles with being able to do so. I’ve spend a few decades working to develop a stronger sense of self worth and value and it has not always been an easy or linear process. It can feel incredible frustrating to try and love & regard yourself if it has been a life long battle to do so. Yet every single being on this planet deserves to know inner peace, love, & acceptance for themselves. Which is why I want to offer and insight & guidance that I can. 

On this Divine Feminine solo episode I offer 3 steps for creating a daily practice to build self worth. Again, there is no simple formula to it yet allowing yourself to explore what’s KEEPING you from believing that you are worthy and valuable is a great place to start. Once that is determined it can help to develop daily practices to work your self esteem muscles, focusing on what is wonderful & incredible about you. And from there bringing it to a spiritual level of connecting with your higher, infinite, innate worth. It’s not a guarantee yet if there’s a chance it can help, it’s worth a try!

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Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here: 
Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken