Is It Worth Leading With Trust & A Divine Feminine Open Heart When It Means Risking Getting Burnt?
I've been thinking a lot about how hard it can be to trust. Trusting another person, a situation, an opportunity, a new romantic partner, a friend. You get the idea. [...]
Get Your Mojo Back: How Narcissistic Abuse Can Drain All 5 Of Our Human Energy Tanks & Leave Women Emotionally Exhausted, Physically Ill, Disconnected & What We Can Do To Refill Them
Emerging from an abusive or Narcissistic relationship undoubtably leaves someone profoundly devastated, confused, and depleted. So many unanswered questions, immense anxiety wondering the extent of the lies and manipulation, truly [...]
Happy Lunar New Year! Kicking Off The Year Of The Snake & Welcoming The New Moon In Aquarius Arriving Together To Set Us Free!
Happy Lunar New Year & New Moon in Aquarius! These combined energies occurring together certainly packs a punch and I have some things to say about it. Particularly about the [...]
There Is Only One Heart; Everything In This Reality Is In A Relationship With Each Other & The Mind Of God Is Centered In Our Heart; All We Have To Do Is Unlock It
Who are we? What are we? Quantum science is slowly revealing the fact that all of us are connected in a very intimate way. What do the spiritual texts tell [...]
What Gifts Comes From Surviving? Why Do We Do This If Only To Potentially Endure More Hurt, Suffering, And Struggle? Perhaps The Divine Feminine Magic Of Healing & Recovery Reveals Our True Brilliance
There is no despair so absolute as that which comes with the first moments of our first great sorrow, when we have not yet known what it is to have [...]
Courage In Action; Making The Triumphant Transformation From Victim To Healer, Becoming A Light Of Divine Feminine Hope, & Demonstrating That Wounds Can Be Turned Into Wisdom & Scars Into Strength
When we begin to understand that trauma can silently shape our lives, affecting our emotions, actions, experiences, and even our physical well-being, then we realize how critical it is to [...]
How To Let Pleasure Be Your Teacher & Embarking On An Exploration Of The Divine Feminine Themes of 2025; Flush Things Out & Get Back To Basics
On last week's solo episode, when I pulled the Empress of Pleasure card from my W.I.T.C.H Oracle deck, I stated that I'd need to do an episode based on that [...]
How Do You Overcome Life’s Unexpected Obstacles? One Step At A Time, Through Cultivation Of Courage, Releasing Regret, & Embracing Your Infinite Divine Feminine Resilience
It's remarkable how life can change in an instant. Something unexpected & perhaps unwanted can significantly alter our current circumstances. It is out of our control and leaves us asking, [...]
You Can Still Be A Healer If You’re Not Fully Healed & Offer Guidance Even If You Occasionally Feel Lost; You Are A Divine Feminine, Continuous Work In Progress
It's a New Year and with it come a whole new slew of twist and turns and challenges to make you question everything you thought was healed and resolved within [...]
The Age Of The Wise Woman: Why It’s Time For Women To Honor Their Needs, Embrace Holistic Healing & Health, & Declare Their Divine Feminine Value & Worth
Welcome to the first Guest Episode of 2025! And what a perfect guest we have this week to kick off this powerful year as her focus on Women's Wisdom perfectly [...]
Happy New Year! Sharing Special Insight Into 2025 With An Oracle & Tarot Reading Just For You, Beautiful Listeners!
Welcome to 2025, Everybody!! We've made it! I'm seeing this year as a summit; we've made it up the hardest part of the mountain in the 5 years of this [...]
Fascinating Channeled Messages Received From Beings of Feminine Energy; What They Want Us To Know About Our Inherent Divine Feminine Nature
Happy 2025 Everybody! I'm feeling very energized & empowered by this energy coming in with the New Year. I hope you all are feeling it as well & are entering [...]
One Last Message From The Magician & The Mirror; Focus ONLY On What You Want As You Move Into A New Year!
Alright, Ya'll may be tired of hearing it, because I've been talking about it for a year now, yet I needed to offer ONE LAST episode sharing the message of [...]
Quantum Tarot Healing; Using The Tarot As The Primary Form Of Communication With Spirit & How To Create A Synergistic Blend Of Tarot, Crystals, & Energy Healing
Well it's happening again! Another episode devoted solely to one of my favorite topics, tarot! Now many of you know that tarot is near and dear to my heart as [...]
A Holiday Divination Day With A Special Yuletide Message For You From The Nature Whispers Oracle
Happy Yuletide lovely listeners! We've reach that sweet special week, the last one of the year, that always seems to feel like a time of no time. We're closing the [...]
The Million Person Project: How Your Story Sets You Free & Why EVERYONE’S Story Is Important & Can Inspire, Move People To Action, Shift Culture, & Change The World
I always like to have collaborative partners on the show. Especially when they are business AND romantic partners! A Divine Union of sharing love and creating together. My guests this [...]
Divination Days: Surrendering To The Energy Of The Gemini Full Moon & Embracing The Opportunity To Consider What’s Working, What’s Not, & How To Choose What You Now Want To Focus On
Did you all welcome the last Full Moon of the year last night? (Sunday, December 15th for those listening at a later date). This Gemini Full moon also coincides with [...]
You’re Not For Everyone: Understanding & Being OK With Fallouts & Misalignments in Your Life & Embracing The Unique Twist & Turns Of This Divine Earth Experience
Hello Everyone & Happy Friday the 13th! This episode is meant to serve as your friendly reminder to take it easy on yourself and that YOU ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE. [...]
Shatter Hidden Barriers, Ignite Your True Potential, & Become The Unstoppable Divine Feminine Force You’re Meant To Be In All Areas Of Your Life
Our unconscious minds are involved in everything we do, say, think, and believe. The problem is… we don’t realize it. Most of us walk around with unmet needs from past [...]
What Is Seeded In Your Soul? Finding & Nurturing Your Greatest Dreams & Learning To Nurture & Believe In Them In The Slow Growing Process & Surrendering To Being In It For The Long Haul
“I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing.” ― Daniel Hillel When we've decided that we know exactly what we want in life, it can very [...]
Empowered Survivor: Inspiring Trauma & Abuse Survivors to HEAL By Opening Themselves To Hope, Evolve, & Become Love In Action
There is something about dragonflies. Their brilliant translucence, the variety of colors they come in, their auspicious arrival into your space in unexpected moments. In a word, they are magic. [...]
A New Moon Divination Night: Sagittarius Energies, A Mercury Retrograde, & A Card From The Moonology Oracle
Welcome to December 2024! And Happy New Moon in Sagittarius. We are crossing into the final month of this ( fill in the blank) year. How would you describe 2024? [...]
Using Human Design, Gene Keys, & Energy Alignment To Claim Your Power & Shed Fear, Self Doubt, & Shame To Shine Like A Diamond!
There are many means for creating a greater sense & awareness of our cosmic make up and the gifts. Unveiling the personal attributes & ideal pursuits that are most aligned [...]
Divination Days: A Card Pull & Reading From The Work Your Light Oracle Deck Reminding You To Light Up The World With Your Presence And Remember Your Divine Feminine Brilliance
Hi Everyone! I'm off the road and settled into a lovely new home in Colorado. Surrounded by majestic mountains that are speaking to me, loudly. I'm very grateful, to have [...]
Quantum Field Energetic Transformation: Bringing Your True Self Into This Physical Expression By Taking A Quantum Leap In Your Current Reality & Become Enveloped In Your Own Essential Spirit
Our planet is Ascending. Mankind is Ascending. Consciousness is Ascending. Life is malleable and ever-changing. When we are the embodiment of our Divine Nature, we are beacons of Light and [...]
Moonology & Nile Of The Oracle Card Pull: Working With The Energies From The Taurus Super Full Moon To Offer Divine & Illuminating Guidance
Hello Lovely Listeners, I'm dropping in live today, coming out of my retreat in a beautiful, rustic, & remote cabin in Louisiana to do a little Divine Feminine episode. I [...]
The Joy Of Romance: Attract Your Most Perfect Partner By Living With Your Heart Wide Open & Following A Unique & Delightful Roadmap To Love
So many of us roaming the planet are hoping to find True Love with that special person who loves and understands us. Yet it can often feel like a winding [...]
Creating A Global Institute for Women’s Embodiment; How Women Can Begin To Listen To & Honor Their Divine Feminine Body’s Needs & Reconnect With One’s Life Force Energy
What is embodiment, and why is it such a crucial element in the healing process, particularly for women?How can women reconnect with their bodies after experiencing trauma or emotional disconnection, [...]
Divination Of The WITCH: A Card Pull & Reading From The W.I.T.C.H Oracle Deck, Woman In Total Control Of Herself & Tapping Into Her Innate Power & Abilities
Welcome to the 3rd Divination Day Divine Feminine Episode! I recorded this episode ON Halloween so the energy of the WITCH is definitely amplified. I was also sleep deprived from [...]
Happy Halloween! Celebrating With Some Truly Terrifying Topics; Anxiety, Uncertainty, & Fear Of The Unknown, BOO! & Inspiration To Embrace Healing Chaos & The Unexplained Mysteries Of Life
Anxiety is the handmaiden of contemporary ambition. – Alain de Botton Happy Halloween to all my badass Witches out there! I decided to release an episode on Halloween to speak [...]
Have You Ever Wanted To Talk To Your Pet? Ask A Pet Psychic! Bridging The Species Gap: How Communicating Better With Your Beloved Animals Can Help Your Human Well-Being
If you have ever been the parent to a fur baby then I'm sure you've experienced those time when you want to shout, "What are you thinking?? Tell Me!" As [...]
Divination Days: A Card Pull & Reading From The Spiritsong Tarot Deck, Amplifying The Energies Of Animal Guides & The Elements
Welcome to another Divination Day reading. This week I'm sharing the 2nd new deck I acquired recently, The Spirit Song tarot. A fantastic deck as it is essentially an Animal [...]
Welcome To Scorpio Season! Braving The Depths Of The Dark Underworlds To Reclaim The Greatest Truths About Ourselves & Embrace The Divine Feminine Aggression, Ruthlessness, & Rage Within Us
Welcome to Scorpio season, ya'll! This water sign ushers us into the end of October, Halloween, and the darkness of Winter. Scorpio is set aside from the other 2 water [...]
Turning A New Leaf; Utillizing Intuition, Bodywork, Gem Energy & Bodywork To Find Ease In Navigating Our Divine Feminine Lives In Mind, Body & Being.
One of the gifts of living the Nomadic life is the surprise friendships I make with wonderful people across the country. One of those serendipitous connections was with the lovely [...]
Divination Days: Card Pull & Reading From The Mists Of Avalon Oracle; New Divine Feminine Solo Series!
I'm trying something a little new with the Divine Feminine episodes. I'm going to do a series of episodes that center fully around the themes and messages from the tarot [...]
Fire It Up & Burn It Away With The Energies Of This Super Blood Aries Full Moon! What Are You Clearing Up And Cleaning Out Of Your Life To Get Yourself Onto Your Divine Feminine Path Of Destiny?
Happy Super Blood Full Moon in the fiery sign of Aries! A time for releasing and unleashing anger and frustrations that are covering up your destiny. Let the Aries fire [...]
Sacred Geometry ~ The Universal Language Of Divine Alignment: Using The Divine Feminine Gifts Of Sacred Geometry To Shift The Consciousness & Health Of Humanity & To Thrive & Play In The New Earth Energy
Are there ancient secrets about the Universe hidden outside of texts and science books? Many people believe so. That it's actually possible for any Human to access Universal knowledge by [...]
State Of Grace; What We Can Learn About Forgiveness From Moments Of Divine Feminine Clarity & Peace And Begin To Accept That We Have To Feel Something Fully Before We Can Transcend It
It can be absolutely excruciating & maddening to be stuck in a mental and emotional loop of going over and over your feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, and contempt towards [...]
You’re Doing The Damn Thing! Now It’s Time To Give Yourself Credit & Recognize The Remarkable Significance Of Doing You’re Own Divine Feminine Inner Work & Being The Change You Wish To See
Hello Dear ones. Today I wanted to send you all a big round of applause and tell you that YOU'RE DOING THE DAMN THING AND YOU'RE AWESOME! It's easy to [...]
The Embodied Entrepreneur: Master Your Nervous System, Stop Burnout Before It Starts, & Leave A Divine Feminine Impact
My guest this week has a very unique story, one which involved some very shocking events that rattled her entire being. Yet often it is the most detrimental things we [...]
Rely On Your Wisdom: Realizing That Wisdom Comes From Wounding Which Has Healed, You Earned It! Take Time To Acknowledge The Relief You Feel As It is An Indication Of The Divine Feminine Wisdom You’ve Developed
Wisdom is sacred. And the beautiful thing about it, is that it's all your own and once its comes to be, it can never be taken away. I received a [...]
Post-Eclipse Season Check-In: Surveying The Damage, Picking Up The Pieces, & Allowing For Divine Feminine Allowance To Fall Apart, Breakdown, & Move On
Welcome to the otherside, everyone! Of course Eclipse season energy will carry on for some time. However, we have traveled through the did you fare? Did the Libra Solar [...]
Season Of The Witch: Tarot Talk, Mediumship Musings, & Coven Curiosities Just In Time For The Thinning Of The Veil & The Time Of Our Divine Feminine Intuition Being Extra Attuned
Happy October everybody! The time we have all been waiting for is finally upon us, Spooky Season is here! Or should I say, the Season of the Witch. And what [...]
Taking Guidance From The Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse; Reset, Re-evaluate, Renew. Upgrade Your Life By Deciding To Make New Choices That Bring You Closer To Your Divine Feminine Dreams
Happy Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse! There are some valuable lessons and guidance to glean from this eclipse that wraps up the 2024 cycle. The themes of Libra shine through [...]
Begin Championing Yourself NOW: Being Your Own Biggest Advocate, Doing What You Believe In, Becoming Unapologetically Yourself, & Giving Yourself Divine Feminine Unconditional Love & Acceptance For Everything You Are
Championing yourself means being your own best advocate, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and taking care of yourself. It can also mean having a champion mindset, believing in your potential [...]
An Intrinsic Way To Heal Energetic Blockages & Promote Balance & Divine Feminine Harmony Within The Body, Mind, & Spirit With A Side Of Akashic Records Exploration
There can be many different paths along your walk of life. It is along these roads we have chosen where we may lose sight of what our life can be [...]
Celebrating Mabon/ Autumn Equinox; Honoring Divine Feminine Balance & Harmony In Our Lives And Taking Time To Reflect, Ground, & Honor Our Harvest
Happy Autumn Equinox/ Mabon/ Fall Ya'll! The long, hot, sunny days of Summer have come to a completion for the year (in the Northern hemisphere) as Autumn is now upon [...]
How Being FED Up Can Be Your Fuel To Get FIRED Up And Allow Your Divine Feminine Heart And Soul’s Desire To Break Thru With Your True Gifts & Purpose
Happy Friday Everyone! Well we're one eclipse into the 2nd Eclipse season of 2024 with one more to go. Within this eclipse window there can be a lot of powerful [...]
The Natural High – How to Overcome Instant Gratification & Find Inner Peace By Getting To The Root Cause Of The Issue, Understanding Trauma, & Working With Divine Feminine Manifestation Abilities
I've had quite a few guests on the show whose stories begin in a similar fashion. They've achieved everything they thought they wanted in life, yet they're still unhappy, unfulfilled, [...]
Pisces Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse; Immersing Yourself In The Dream & Intuitive Realms To Explore Which Divine Feminine Creations You Truly Desire To Manifest In This Lifetime
Happy Pisces Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse! Whew, that's a mouthful eh? I'm getting such a flowy, dreamscape sense for this moon. And The card I pulled for this episode [...]
My Personal Story Of A Past Transformative Time & Preparing For One Ahead: When Nearing A Major Milestone & Being On The Precipice Of Change, How Do You Prepare? What Can You Do To Keep Your Divine Feminine Sense Of Trust & Balance?
Happy Friday the 13th! Yesterday (September 12th) I turned 39 years old and I had some thoughts going into it. The main thing on my mind can I use [...]
You Can’t Make This S*%T Up! Outrageous Synchronicities, Astonishing Occurrences, Spiritual Aha’s, & Revelations That Make Up The Wild Ride That Is Your Divine Feminine Spiritual Path
Life is full of (perceived) mysteries & surprises. And they all seem like crazy coincidences until you get onto your Spiritual path. Then you realize that it's all just beautifully [...]
A Reminder That People Can Only Meet You As Deeply As They’ve Met Themselves; Learning To Remain True To Your Divine Feminine Heart When Meeting & Connecting With Others
“Remember: despite how open, peaceful and loving you attempt to be, people can only meet you, as deeply as they’ve met themselves," Matt Kahn I feel like I had a [...]
The Truth About Entering Your “No F*cks To Give” Era; It’s A Process More Than A Declaration Because You Give A F*ck Until You Don’t Which Is A Result Of Honoring Divine Feminine Life Experiences
Giving no f*cks has been quite the buzz phrase for awhile. And while I don't usually care for buzz words, I had to give my 2 cents on the whole [...]
Your Kindness Will Not Be Forgotten: Embracing Divine Feminine Principles To Give & Receive From Your Heart & Foster Your Sense Of Freedom & Spaciousness While You Change & Transform
If you've been listening to the show regularly for the past few months then you have heard me speak of the amazing healer I've been working with, Dr. Jolyn Sparling. [...]
Sailing Into September With The Virgo New Moon: Embracing The Calm Before The Storm By Taking Some Time In the Divine Feminine Stillness To Connect With Your Highest Dream
Happy September & New Moon in Virgo! This moon has a lovely, calming energy and lucky for us because it is wedged between Mercury Retrograde and the upcoming eclipse season [...]
To Be Uncertain; Allowing Life To Surprise You & For The Universe To Deliver The Divine Feminine Experiences That Are Meant For You Which May Not Be What You Had In Mind
“To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, but to be certain is to be ridiculous.” —Chinese proverb” "Only fools are positive." -Batty, Ferngully It is a not so pleasant reality [...]
Inspire To Evolve: Taking The Call Towards What Makes You Come Alive & Being Your Own Best Friend As An Essential Divine Feminine Tool For Personal & Professional Advancement & Dream Manifestation
Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive, Howard Thurman I [...]
Thank You, More Of That Please! Declaring Your Divine Feminine Gratitude To The Universe When You Get A Taste Of What You Want & Desire To Have More Of It
It's time again for a little refresher on the Women Waken motto for 2024, FOCUS ONLY ON WHAT YOU WANT. That's right, the good old Magician in the Mirror message [...]
Welcome To Virgo Season! Ringing In The Time Of The Earth Maiden & Embracing Fabulous Virgo Qualities To Organize Your Life, Prioritize & Ground Your Divine Feminine Self, & Be Perfectly You
It's Virgo season, ya'll! I'm just a little bit excited and not just because it's my birthday season. I always enjoy the grounding & cleansing energy of this time of [...]
You Are Worth It! Addressing The Epidemic Of Bullying & How To Reclaim Your Divine Feminine Power, Confidence, And Self Worth After Experiencing It
If you've been listening to my show for awhile then you've likely heard me speak about my experience of being bullied as a teen and young adult. It's a matter [...]
Super Full Moon In Aquarius: This Is What I Came For, This Is Me, Time To Bust Through With My Divine Feminine Power & Then Let The Chips Fall As They May
Happy Super Full Moon in Aquarius! This is a big one folks! And this moon is coinciding with Mercury Retrograde which is now in the sign of Leo. The combination [...]
What Is Your Physical Pain Trying To Tell You? How You Can Begin To Heal Chronic Conditions Of The Body Through The Inner Child & Unconscious/Subconscious Mind To Achieve A Divine Feminine State Of Peace And Openness In The Body
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ― C.G. Jung Is it true that our thoughts create our reality? Do [...]
Awaken Your Greatness, Sacred Rebel! Forging New Pathways For Life & Activating Divine Feminine Fulfillment, Freedom Of Expression, & The Courage To Be Who The F*ck You Are
Dragons, Lions, Panthers....Oh my! Recording this episode with the bad ass Sacred Rebel, Kristin Quattlebaum, certainly brought some powerful energies. Kristin is a purpose guide + healer who gives a [...]
Let It Ride: Allowing For A Pause & Wait-And-See Energy During This Mercury Retrograde To Embrace Your Divine Feminine Flow
How is Mercury Retrograde treating everyone? In case it's hitting you with some confusion in your relationship or life situations and you're all up in your head then this episode [...]
The Lion’s Gate Portal: Working With The Energies Of This Powerful, Annual Event Which Heightens Our Divine Feminine Manifestation & Intention Setting Abilities & Expands Consciousness
8/8/ (2+0+2+4) 8 Lion's Gate Portal! The mighty Lion alignment is upon us once again. Yet this year with an even more powerful punch of cosmic energy. As we end [...]
Stepping Into Superior Love Forever; Building Bridges, Mending Hearts, & Moving Onto Your Divine Feminine Path to Harmonious Relationships
It is alway fun to have a fascinating, multifaceted guest on the show. With a rich story and a plethora of gifts to share about. My guest this week has [...]
Focus On Your Strengths: Why Identifying Your Strengths Is The Key To Building Your Confidence & Knowing Your Unique Divine Feminine Qualities
The New Moon in Leo is taking the focus in another episode, and isn't that just so Leo!? And as Leo season roars on, what better time to think about [...]
Letting Your Inner Lioness Roar Under The Leo New Moon & Allowing Your Inner Divine Feminine Maiden To Detoxify Your Past & Make Way For Your Brilliant Future
Happy New Moon in Leo! Happy August! Who's ready to let you inner Lioness ROAR? Yet wait just a minute, aren't we also entering into a Mercury Retrograde on the [...]
It’s Time To Talk About The Sister Wound; What Is It & How Do We Heal From It To Allow For The Divine Feminine Presence To Truly Flourish In Our World
The desert Queen and I have teamed up again to bring you a colossal, much needed episode on a topic that could use some more time in the spotlight. Haley [...]
Celebrating Kismit! Noticing Angel Synchronicities In Your Life As A Beautiful Gift Acknowledging Your Strength, Courage, & Divine Feminine Spiritual Progress
I had some fun synchronicities pop into my life this past week so I decided to do another episode focused on honoring the unexpected coincidences that we experience. Whether it's [...]
Where Are You Sacrificing Your Inner Child To Get Your Codependent Needs Met? Connecting With Your Divine Feminine Nature to Nurture & Protect Yourself & End The Cycle Of Self Harming
I'm recording today from my fabulous new home for the next 3 months; a cabin on a farm! Very excited to be in this beautiful, healing space to enjoy life [...]
Learning To Love Dating & Finding True Love; How To Heal From Your Past So You Can Step Into Your Unfathomable Divine Feminine Future
Dating, love, and relationships are always some of my favorite topics to dive into. Especially for Women, the journey of dating can reveal so much about our wounding, healing, and [...]
Nurturing Your Garden Of Emotional Experiences; Allowing For Both Loving & Nurturing As Well As Upsetting & Traumatic Experiences To Be Tended To As A Sacred Aspect Of Your Divine Feminine Life
As we begin to regard our lives as a sacred opportunity to experience all the glorious aspects of the Divine, we begin to see that there truly is no such [...]
Why We Accept Divine Breadcrumbs In Love, Relationships, & Other Situations & How To Give Ourselves Divine Feminine Grace For It
When you're lost in the desert, even the tiniest sip of water will feel like the most glorious gift from the heavens. Why? Because you're deprived. You have a deep [...]
Let’s Talk About Sex Magic, Baby! How To Use Your Divine Feminine Sexual Energy To Manifest Your Dreams
Combine the words "Sex" & "Magic" and you're going to get people's attention. Sex Magic! What a fantastic phrases! Yet...what exactly does it mean? My guest this week, Liz Peterson, [...]
3 Steps For Creating A Daily Divine Feminine Practice To Cultivate & Build Self Worth & Knowing Of Intrinsic Value
I've been speaking for a few episodes now about the importance of putting your focus on knowing and honoring your worth. I share quite a bit about about my own [...]
Do You Compromise Your Worth For Others? How To Break Free From Self Defeating Tendencies To Reclaim Your Divine Feminine Sense Of Infinite Value & Worthiness
"Life gives you what you believe you're worth, not what you want." Every single human being on this planet is imbued with an innate sense of worth, value, & esteem. [...]
Breaking Free: Your Unique Path to Fearless Living & Empowering You to Embrace Life’s Fullness & Find True Divine Feminine Fulfillment
A big part of making the decision to begin on a Spiritual path is feeling sick and tired of feeling stuck in life, down on yourself, and being ready to [...]
The Present Is The Point Of Power; Are You Holding Your Vision & Keeping Your Focus On What You Want & On The Divine Feminine Moment Of NOW?
Nothing changes if nothing changes. I heard this phrase right before I decided to get sober from drugs and alcohol. I realized the one thing I hadn't tried in an [...]
New Moon In Cancer; Seeking Comfort & Embracing Divine Feminine Tender New Beginnings While Making Space For What Nourishes You Emotionally & Spiritually
Happy New Moon in Cancer! I hope your Cancer season/July is off to a good start. As we roll into this moon you have some beautiful opportunities to surrender and [...]
Chasing Brighter: Taking The Journey Of Self-Discovery & Learning Inspiring Lifestyle Tips For Divine Feminine Women To Discover The Best Version Of Themselves
We all want to learn ways to be the best versions of ourselves. Which is why so many Women are feeling called on a journey of self-discovery so they can [...]
Finding Acceptance In Times Of Uncertainty: Allowing Divine Feminine Peace Into The Places Where Discomfort & Uneasiness Lies
If you can't go around it, you gotta go through it The unexpected events that happen during the course of our lives are not always pleasant. They can be challenging, [...]
Honoring Your Creative Valves; How Following The Emphasis Of Your Soul & Making Space For The Divine Feminine Creative Expression That Wants To Be Expressed Through You Can Transform Your Life
Do you ever have those days when you feel a flood of creative energy towards something unexpected? It could be something small, like running to the craft store and getting [...]
Moving Onto The Pathway Of Lasting Joy & Awakening The Greatness Within; Knowing The Truth Of Who You Are To Recognize Your Divine Feminine Love, Power, & Worth & Enter The Portal Of Our Cosmic Heart
We have been taught to seek love, power, and validation outside ourselves. To radically embody love is to know the truth of who we are. To recognize we are already [...]
The Path To Emotional Freedom; Restoring The Balance Of Your Divine Feminine Inner World To Experience Greater Peace, Joy, & Love
"The path to emotional freedom is the Hero's journey..." Choosing to make higher choices in our life, such as releasing negative thoughts about ourselves and others and and moving into [...]
Happy Summer Solstice & Strawberry Capricorn Full Moon! Taking Advantage Of This Rare Combination To Ground Your Divine Feminine Energies & Allow Yourself To Shine & Radiate Joy
Happy Summer Solstice & Full Capricorn Strawberry Moon! We've made it to the time (in the Northern hemisphere) of sun, fun, long days, vacations, relaxation, all the good stuff! [...]
Creating A Life That You Love From The Inside Out; How To Transform Your Life Through Divine Feminine Shadow Work, Breath Work, & Cycle Breaking & Discover Your Magic & Medicine
Life can throw us some serious curve balls at times. Some so unique that it can be hard to feel that anyone could ever understand or that we could feel [...]
Addressing The Father Wound To Break Generational Cycles & Begin Moving Out Of The Darkness & Into The Light Of Knowing Your Divine Feminine Worth & Value
As I sat down to record on Father's day, I remembered that "Father Wound" was on my list of future solo episodes to record. So I figured today was the [...]
Are You Allowing All Facets Of Your Personality To Come Through? Exploring The Remarkable Divine Feminine Diamond That You Are & Letting Each Aspect Of Yourself To Freely Be Expressed
Alright everybody, I thought I had a pretty solid idea of how I was going to formulate this topic into an episode...yet after editing I'm not sure that it actually [...]
Get Psyched To Explore Attachment Styles, Reparenting Your Inner Child, Parts Work, & Moving Towards Your Healthy Divine Feminine Life Of Fulfillment
As the seasoned host of the successful Get Psyched podcast my guest this week, fellow therapist Lindsey Locke, has a lot to say about working towards a healthy lifestyle. In [...]
Talking To Your Heart; Telling A New Story To Your Divine Feminine Heart To Shift Your Destiny And Attune Your Self To Higher Love
"A loving heart is the truest Wisdom." -Charles Dickens As someone who, despite being almost a decade onto my spiritual path STILL struggles with deep rooted core false concepts about [...]
Celebrating Communication & Curiosity For The Gemini New Moon & Embracing Venus’ Divine Feminine Influence of Sensuality & Confidence
Happy New Moon in Gemini! AND with Venus at the same astrological degree as the Moon, we're feeling her powerful Divine Feminine influence as well encouraging connection, sensuality, & embodiment. [...]
Igniting The Soulful Revolution! A World Renowned Tarot Reader & Intuitive Astrologer Shares The Secrets Of Navigating A Spiritual Awakening & Embracing Divine Feminine Intuition
Using Astrology, Numerology and Tarot to discover your Life mission & purpose has been a practice as old as Humanity. Yet to this day the majority of people don't utilize [...]
The Gift Of Being At Peace With Yourself: How To Cultivate, Maintain, & Honor Your Divine Feminine Inner Peace
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” [...]
What Weeds Need To Be Pulled From The Landscape Of Your Life? How To Spot The Habits Or Tendencies That Are Big Enough To See Yet Small Enough To Solve & Allow For Divine Feminine Alignment
"There is a time in the life of every problem where it is big enough to see yet small enough to solve." "Tension is who you think yu should be, [...]
Feng Shui Your Life; A Divine Feminine’s Guide To Using Your Home To Attract The Life Of Your Dreams & Understanding The Law Of Attraction
Feng Shui is a well known concept that has been popularized throughout the World. One of the greatest contributors to the spreading of this awareness is my guest this week, [...]
Practicing The Gift Of Patience To Allow For Your Heart’s Desires To Come Into Your Life & Bring Beautiful Divine Feminine Blessings To You
Patience is a virtue....I often want to follow this statement with "...that I have very little of." Although I realize its benefits, patience has never been my strong suite. Like [...]
Harnessing The Exciting & Auspicious Sagittarius Full Moon Energy To Experience More Divine Feminine Joy & Adventure & To Not Take Life So Seriously
As the Sagittarius Full Moon energy continues to emulate its energy of excitement, spontaneity, & joyous experiences I'm offering you all a special episode to embrace some of the themes [...]
Vulnerable Minds, The Harm Of Childhood Trauma & The Hope Of Resilience: Bringing Awareness To The Impact Of Adverse Life Experiences & Using Divine Feminine Tools To Heal Them
With how prevalent trauma is in the current human experience it's important to have many insights & understanding into the creation & addressing of trauma. I was very excited to [...]
Trust In Who You Are: Learning To Embrace & Accept Yourself Exactly As You Are & Share Your Divine Feminine Spirit Unabashedly With The World
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson I'm back with more quotes and inspiration for [...]
Love As Your Superpower: Becoming The Luminous Warrior, Releasing Any Focus On What You Feel Is Wrong With You, & Unapologetically Embracing Your Divine Feminine Light
I'm carrying on what has become the theme for episodes this week, LOVE! And what better theme could there be? What came up today was the idea of Love as [...]
Letting Love In; Learning To Explore & Soften Into Your Divine Feminine Energy, Express Your Emotions In The Moment, & Allow Others To Help You To Feel Free
I always love getting a variety of ideas, outlooks, and perspectives on the show. It's so important to allow for different approaches to solutions as nothing is truly one size [...]
A Tribute To Unconditional Love: Embracing The Empress Energy of Being A Loving & Nurturing Divine Feminine Energy In The World To Allow Others To Experience Greater Comfort & Peace
All Women are Mothers. Perhaps not through birthing & raising a child yet our energy and essence is inherently a soothing and comforting experience for all beings we come in [...]
What Do You Need To Forget? Allowing Our Past Selves & Outdated Beliefs To Die Away & Decompose Into The Soil Of Our Lives To Move Into Our Divine Feminine Destiny
During a morning meditation this week I asked the Divine for a message of guidance or direction and I immediately got the word, "forget." I was confused at first, forget [...]
Remapping Your Mind: Exploring The Benefits Of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Trauma Informed Communication, & Moving Past Limiting Beliefs & Stuck Negative Emotions For Divine Feminine Peace Of Mind
The act of listening impacts all of our interactions and relationships both professionally & personally. There are many steps towards being a strong listener and one of them is to [...]
Trusting That Things Will Come To You: Putting Divine Feminine Practices To The Test & Letting Go To Receive All The Remarkable Gifts That Are Coming Your Way
How much would your life change if you began to trust that everything you ever needed would come to you? Rather than having to chase after or worry about it. [...]
What Are You Running From? And To? And Why? Asking The Important Questions & Seeing Yourself For The Gifted, Remarkable, Divine Feminine Being That You Are & Knowing Your Worth
Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do, Olson Swett Marden Believe In Yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble [...]
Shadow Priestess Embodied; Harnessing The Dark Feminine Sexual Power, Practicing Sex Magic, & Exploring Realms Of Deep Transformation & Rebirth
I hope ya'll are ready to have a good time because this episode is a GOOOOOD time (notice the multiple O's in there). My guest is a powerful Woman with [...]
Having Trust In The Process: How To Keep The Faith Through The Setbacks, Missteps, & Mistakes To Remain Connected With Your Divine Feminine Knowing
I'm kicking off a Divine Feminine mini series on Trust. Trust in yourself, your path, process, spiritual evolution, wisdom, & beyond. Being within an energy of trust helps us to [...]
3 Reasons Why Intelligent, Spiritual, Divine Feminine Women Still Get Fooled In Matters Of The Heart & Emotions
Have you ever told yourself; never again! I won't be fooled again, I won't get hurt again, I will not fall for something that my intuition tells me is off! [...]
Surviving & Rising From The Dark: Navigating The Spiritual Awakening Process, Ancestral Trauma & Wisdom, & Presence in the Physical Body During Kundalini Rising
Walking the path of a Spiritual Awakening is not for the faint of heart. The surprises, challenges, discomforts, and devastations that litter this path is enough to stop anyone in [...]
Happy Earth Day! Serving Up Some Divine Feminine Practices & Joys To Embrace The Gift That Is Life On Planet Earth & Offer Our HIghest Gratitude & Love to Mother Gaia
Happy Earth Day! I know, everyday is Earth day ( we love you, Gaia!) Yet, while the attention is on it, it's a good time to speak to the ways [...]
What Heartbreak, Disappointment, Loss, & Grief Can Teach You; An Introduction To Your Shadow Side & Embracing Your Divine Feminine Sovereignty
A lovely listener reached out to me this past week to share that one of my Eclipse episodes really spoke to her. In fact, she said it felt like I [...]
A Divine Feminine’s Guide To Radically Embody Love & Discover Your Path To Sovereignty
It is the time of the empowered Divine Feminine Woman! Unconditional self love, sacred unions, dating as a confident, powerful Woman, and stepping into our Sovereignty. My guest this week [...]
Honoring The Power Of Your Love; Letting Go Of Reluctance To Love Or Care For Another At The Risk Of Being Hurt By Not Taking Things Personally & Connecting With Your Divine Feminine Heavenly Light
The Guarded Heart. It's what keeps up fro truly expressing our love and essence out into the World and towards the people around us. The exact act that can change [...]
Picking Up The Pieces & Moving Forward To Your Destiny; Navigating Out Of The Wreckage Of Eclipse Season And Embracing The Divine Feminine Opportunities To Reclaim Unconditional Love For Yourself
Welcome to the other side, Everybody! We've made it through the Eclipse portal, how did you do? We remain in the afterglow of the eclipses which can include some lingering [...]
ReThinking Love: Guidance On Being The One, Attracting The One, & Becoming The One To Experience True Divine Feminine Unconditional Love For Self & Others
Love is not something we need to find, accumulate, or protect. It is something that we inherently possess, and the only way to receive it fully is to give it [...]
IT’S HERE! The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, LET’S GO! Time To Step Into Our Destiny, Rewrite Our Story, & Trust In Our Divine Feminine Light & Unstoppable Brilliance
The big moment is upon us! If you're coming to this episode before 2:21pm EST on the 8th then you are about to move through the Total Solar Eclipse occurring [...]
Moving On From The Old To The New You; Using This Intense Eclipse Gateway To Break Free From The Worry & Doubt That Keeps You Stuck In Ego & Fear & Refocusing On Your Divine Feminine Path Forward Towards Liberation & Light
A powerful message that bears repeating ( and I will on Monday's Solar Eclipse episode) The old you is begging for you attention; pay it no mind, keep your focus [...]
Fired Up: Fueling Triumph from Trauma; Ending The Silence & Inspiring Victims Of Abuse To Stand Up & Speak Their Divine Feminine Sovereign Truth
The overwhelming levels of abuse against Women currently & historically is deeply devastating to all of us who wish for greater security & peace for Females. So often those who [...]
An Eclipse Sandwiched Mercury Retrograde In Aries Is Here! A Time To Expect Delays, Be Prepared For Sudden Surprises, & Allow Room For Divine Feminine Pauses To Make The Most Progress Towards Your Destiny
These Divine Feminine episodes are having an Astrology based streak that continues on and ain't stopping! This week we're talking about the Mercury Retrograde which begins today, April 1st 2024 [...]
Understanding Trauma Responses: Explaining The 4 Types, How They Develop & Present, & Beginning To Shift Towards A More Divine Feminine, Heart Based Approach
Whew...this eclipse energy must be getting to me. If you made it through the episode, I apologize for all the F bombs! It is an intense topic though & I [...]
Embracing Unique Psychic Gifts; Using Clairtangent Intuitive Healing To Tune Into The Energy In The Body & Share Connections Between The Divine Feminine Conscious, Subconscious, Past Life, Mental, Emotional, & Physical
It can be very fun to work with our gifts. To explore how we can recognize our ability to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell things that bring information that [...]
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Uncovering Your Deepest Wants & Fears, How They’re Connected, & Unlocking Your Divine Feminine Wisdom & Evolving Your Understanding Of Who You’re Truly Meant To Be
Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Libra! It is officially Eclipse season and it is bound to pack a punch for many of us. This Lunar Eclipse today (if you're [...]
Is It Healing Or Hurting You? Discerning Between A Catalyst That Can Clear Out Stuck Energy & A Situation That Can Re-Open Our Wounds & Keep Us From Our Divine Feminine Liberation & Sovereignty
Happy Friday! And welcome to Aries Season! It's time to celebrate because we've escaped the 8 Swords of Self Entrapment, hurray! And now we begin the work of navigating the [...]
Emerging From The Fear & Darkness Of Abusive Relationships & Rising Strong In Our Spiritual Awakening As A Result Leading Us To Trusting Our Divine Feminine Wisdom & Brilliance
My guest this week, Raven Scott, has been a wonderful friend & fantastic mentor to me for over a year. Raven is a is a podcaster, author and Trauma informed [...]
Happy Spring Equinox 2024! Gently Emerging Into The Light With Divine Feminine Grace & Balance To Allow For New Life To Slowly Come Into Being
Spring has arrived! (In the Northern Hemisphere) Or Fall for my lovely Southern Hemisphere folks. Either way, we have come to the time of equal hours of daylight and night. [...]
The 8th & Final Sword Of Self Entrapment; The Past: Making The Choice To Not Let Your Past Hold You Back From Creating The Divine Feminine Future Of Your Dreams Free From Codependent Fears & Attachment To Our Personal Story
We did it ya'll! Made it to the final 8th Sword of the 8 Swords of Self Entrapment. I feel pretty excited about it. What did everyone think of this [...]
High Sobriety: Taking A Trip Out Of Unhealthy Codependency & Into Your Divine Feminine Intuition, Freedom, & Bliss
It often takes diving head first into all the sticky, messy, & unhealthy means of coping in life to gain spiritual understandings & reach a state of enlightenment. How else [...]
Pisces Super New Moon & The End of The Zodiac Year: Going Under The Waves & Into The Flow Of Divine Feminine Potential & Exploration Of What Wants To Come Forth From The Void
Happy Super New Moon in Pisces! I know, it happened on the 10th yet I'm recording this on the day of the Moon and feeling into that Pisces energy as [...]
7th Sword Of Self Entrapment, Self Criticism: Letting The Train of Cruel & Critical Commentary Ride On & Out Of Your Head & Heart For Good To Return To Your Divine Feminine Knowingness Of Your Unconditional Worth
We've made it to the 7th Sword of Self Entrapment and NO, it's not a repeat. The 1st Sword was Self Doubt, the down trodden cousin of today's Sword, the [...]
Daring To Explore The Uncommon Way; Honing Your Divine Feminine Superpowers & Your Own Uncommon Way Of Doing Business & Gaining Clarity Of Your Vision
More & more Spiritual Women (including myself!) are feeling the pull to follow their passion & pursue entrepreneurship. And what a beautiful & exciting path that is. However, it isn't [...]
Animal Spirits, Guides, & Companions: What Are The Differences & Meanings Behind Them & How Can They Help Us Experience Divine Feminine Peace, Inspiration, & Connection With The Angels Around Us
The Animal Kingdom is a glorious gift to humanity. Animals seem to serve as beautiful messengers to humans of unconditional love, kindness, & companionship. Of course this may not seem [...]
Sword 6 Of Self Entrapment; The Unknown: How We Hold Ourselves Back From Our Highest Potential & Divine Feminine Change Out Of Fear & Uncertainty
I recorded this episode on Leap day 2024! Perfect day to speak about leaping into the Unknown. I'm including this as one of the swords of self entrapment because of [...]
Reflecting On Love, Futurism, Mythology, Philosophy, & Aliens With A Divine Feminine Starlett & Movie Director Shedding Light On The Journey To The Underworld To Reclaim Our Brilliance
It's a remarkable feat to make a movie. There is a WHOLE lotta work that goes into that process. My out-of-this-World guest this week, Dana Kipple, not only made a [...]
There’s No Problem Here: Dropping The Concerns Of Your Ego & Knowing Everything Is OK To Watch Emotional Walls Crumble Away That Keep You From Your Divine Feminine Experience Of Peace, Serenity, & Acceptance
As we come out of the energy of this past weekend's Virgo Full Moon there might be a sense that it's time to clean house. Time to get organized, clear [...]
The 5th Sword Of Self Entrapment, Shame: How Events From Early Life & Beyond Can Plant Seeds Of Fear Causing Us To Doubt Our Divine Feminine Unconditional Love, Safety, & Value Despite Anything We’ve Done & What Has Happened To Us
Here comes Sword 5 and it's a deep one... Shame. The heaviness of Shame lies in the fact that it is truly insidious & creates fear in us at a [...]
Being The Light & Finding Your Way On The Healer’s Journey; A Guide To Embracing Being Misunderstood & Manifesting As You Walk The Path Of Divine Feminine Awakening
It can be helpful to have a guidebook as we travel along our spiritual path. Especially to those newly embarking on the path, a few pointers and insights can be [...]
Divine Feminine Intervention: I’m Back! Apologies, My Computer Crashed… Updates From Whitney & A Little Inspiration & Guidance For Your Week
Hello Dear Listeners,If you follow me on Instagram you may already know that two weeks ago my computer crashed. It was Thursday night so I wasn't able to release my [...]
Walking The Path of The Awakened Heart: Unapologetically Expressing Your Truth & Fulfilling Your Highest Divine Feminine Destiny By Living A Heart & Soul Led Life
Making the choice to walk the path of the Awakened Heart could be the mantra for Women Waken. Yet it's not mine to claim. My beautiful guest this week, Jennifer [...]
Honoring Our Energy Levels, Navigating The Crash & Burn, & Trusting When We Need To Say No By Letting Go Of Trying To Do It All & Taking Time For Our Divine Feminine Selves To Rejuvenate
Inspired by what (fortunately) turned out to be just a funny yet stressful incident this past week, I wanted to talk about having awareness of our energy levels. it can [...]
The 4th Sword Of Self Entrapment, Comparison: Why It Is Truly The Thief Of Joy Keeping Us Bound By Codependent Fear & Jealousy, Distancing Us From The Truth Of Our Divine Feminine Light
Happy February Everyone! How is 2024 treating you so far? We're on to the 4th Sword as I continue the 8 Swords of self-entrapment series. My choice for this week [...]
A Unique Journey From The NFL To The Spiritual Realm: How Experiencing The Heights Of Masculine/Ego Focused Pursuits Can Lead Us To Rebalance & Awaken To Our Divine Feminine Core
There are certain experiences in life which very few people ever experience. One of which is reaching the top of their chosen field or finding elite status in sports or [...]
Inspiring Angels: The Surprising Way You Help Your Spirits, Guides, and Ancestors To Evolve, Grow, & Experience Higher Levels Of Joy On The Other Side By Being True To Your Divine Feminine Essence
It's always a blessing to have people come into your life to share their gifts with you. My dear friend Corry MacDonald ( offered to do an Angel Channeling session [...]
Escaping The Deep Seated Pain Of Not Knowing Your Value & Worth: Honoring Your Divine Feminine Complete Perfection & Reframing Codependent Insecurities To Affirm Your Infinite Potential & Move Into A New Experience Of Fulfillment & Joy
It seems that it has become a chronic condition of most Humans to lack real love & acceptance of themselves and to know their full 100% value and worth. There [...]
Mastering Divine Feminine Wombifestation, Reclaiming Our Wombs, & Harnessing Our Pussy Power To Live Fully From The Wisdom Of Our Bodies
There is momentum building around Women's yearning for reclamation. Reclaiming their voices, bodies, Feminine power, wombs, and glorious pussies. My guest this week, Hayley Ebersole, is the Woman who is [...]
Seeking Serenity: 3 Way To Cultivate Divine Feminine Peace & A Sense Of Calm In Your Life
A true sense of Serenity is akin to the Divine. To know peace. To feel a wave of calmness fill your body. This reminds us of what resides at the [...]
Breaking Free From Your Fear Of Judgement: Making The Courageous Decision To Follow Your Heart Regardless Of What Others Think & Remove The Swords Of Self Entrapment To Liberate Your Divine Feminine Light & Set Your Potential Free
I'm making a series of it! A few weeks ago I did an episode on ditching your self doubt and more recently one on shedding old concepts that hold us [...]
The Power of Awe: Overcoming Anxiety, Disconnect, & Depression By Using The Divine Feminine Gifts Of Awareness, Stillness, & Bliss In Microdoses Throughout Your Day
Humanity has learned to keep itself very busy. Busy and distracted. To the point that It's becoming increasingly difficult for us to go even 15 seconds without some form of [...]
Shedding The Old & Strengthening Our Gifts: Why It Is Prime Time To Prepare Yourself To Be Fully Seen & Expressed As Your Authentic Divine Feminine Self & Release Layers Of Codependent Fears
You've always had the power, My Dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.Underneath layers of fear, doubt, & judgement about ourselves lies the core truth of who we [...]
3 Steps To Embracing Your Relationship Status, Whatever It Might Be: Why Being Single, Partnered, Or Divorced Doesn’t Need To Define You Or Limit Your Divine Feminine Peace & Acceptance Of Yourself
Does anyone else remember the original days of Facebook? 20 years ago now (!!!) When they only had 3 relationship statuses and the good 'ol "poke" button? The 3 statuses [...]
The Greatest Comeback Story Is Our Own: The Art & Value Of Storytelling To Express Our Divine Feminine Sense Of Love & Acceptance For Our Whole Complete Selves
Storytelling is an art as old as time. Before the days of movies, radio, or television the original form of entertainment was telling stories around the fire. Yet despite the [...]
A Special Treat Just For You In This Episode: A Full Divine Feminine Tarot & Oracle Reading For 2024! Along With Show Updates, A Special Call To Action, & Some New Offerings For The New Year!
Ok, this will be the final New Year themed episode, I promise! I wanted a chance to put out a few requests to my beautiful listeners (restated below) to help [...]
Ditching Doubts & Worries For Good Because We Don’t Have Time For That S*%T in 2024! Strengthening Your Divine Feminine Trust and Faith In Life & Yourself & Knowing Your Worth Always
I Hope everyone had a wonderful first week of 2024! I'm definitely feeling a shift in the energies yet I also had some little doubt goblins crawling into my brain [...]
Learning to Embrace Our Moons; How Educating Ourselves About Our Bodies, Cycles, & Vaginal Health Can Allow Us to Release Fear, Shame, & Guilt Around The Sacred Divine Feminine Ritual Of Bleeding
It is quite the curious position we find ourselves in when in this day and age Women at large are still not sufficiently educated about their bodies or more specifically [...]
Happy New Year 2024! A Gift Of Inspiration For Walking Into The New Year With A New Found Divine Feminine Sense Of Focus, Purpose, & Confidence
Happy New Year, Everybody! 2024, here we go! We've made it out of 2023, The Holidays, Mercury Retrograde, and into a brand new chapter. What will 2024 hold for you? [...]
Some Gentle Guidance For Doing A Divine Feminine End Of The Year Review & A Journaling Exercise to Create A Highlight Reel Of 2023
I hope everyone is enjoying their Yuletide! This luxuriating week between Christmas and New Years where days seem to blend together and we enjoy less structure and more leisure. Well, [...]
Utilizing Spirituality, Evolution, & Awakened Consciousness To Break Free From Addiction To Victimhood & Reconnect With Your Divine Feminine Truth & Curiosity
What does freedom mean to you? It's a pertinent question to ask yourself as the year draws to an end and we consider, what do I want to be free of [...]
Wishing Everyone A Very Happy Yuletide & Inspiring Some Space For Divine Feminine Joy, Cheer, Rest, & Indulgence Wherever You Find Yourself This Holiday Season
Happy Yuletide! Merry Christmas! Happy Winter Solstice! Happy Holidays to All! With this episode being released on Christmas I wanted to take some time to reflect on this holiday and [...]
Welcoming The Winter Solstice With Some Deep Divine Feminine Nourishment, Comfort, & Care To Tend To The Parts Of Yourself That Feel Depleted & To Release Codependent Fixations, Leaving Them Behind Before The New Year
Happy Winter Solstice everyone! I hope this long night finds you safe, cozy, healthy, and content as we move into another cycle around the sun together. While we're taking this [...]
The Enormous Benefits Of Using The Intuitive Method To Develop Our Divine Feminine Sense Of Self Love, Confidence, & Decision Making
Intuition is the guidance of our Soul. It is one of the most powerful tools that we could ever imagine. Yet so few learn to work with it and come [...]
The Secret Of Your True Divine Feminine Purpose; Steps To Understanding That You Came To This Space To Heal The Space & Your Greatest Hardships Are What Unlock Your Ability To Fulfill Your Soul Purpose
What allows us to have a deep sense of understanding, compassion, empathy, and knowing of something? The only way can ever really, truly achieve these things is to experience it [...]
How Mercury Retrograde Can Help You To Let Go Of Hang Ups & Clear Out Emotional Gunk In Order To Move Onto Your Divine Feminine Higher Path & Find Greater Peace & Confidence
Mercury Retrograde gets a lot of attention and flack. And a lot of the time it's for good reason. It is common to hit some challenges or snafus with communication, [...]
Entering The Age Of Sexual Enlightenment: The Intertwining of Intimacy and Spiritual Expansion As Explained By A Tantra Power Couple Who Are Unveiling The Divine Feminine Concepts Of Sexual Intelligence
Sex. Pleasure. Love. Ecstasy. Divine Connections. Orgasms. All wonderful things right? So wouldn't it be nice to have a LOT more of them and to feel them very deeply, strongly, [...]
Rolling With The Spiritual Punches: How To Navigate Divine Changes And Tower Moments In Our Lives With Divine Feminine Grace & Trust
Hi Lovely Listeners! I appreciate you all so much for following along with my life updates and Divine Feminine guidance. This week's update is a doozy, my how much can [...]
Are You Ready To Release Your Karmic Patterns & Move Into A Greater Divine Feminine Experience Of Life? Revealing Secrets About Obstacles We Face Over & Over And How to Overcome Them For Good
Inspired by a conversation this week, I've been thinking about some Buddhist concepts about life. Samsara, Kharma, & Dharma. Samsara meaning the cycles of life; birth, death, and rebirth. Karma [...]
A Fascinating New Spiritual Take On Our Beloved K9 Pets & How They Are Truly Our Spirit Guides In This Life To Guide Us On Our Divine Feminine Path Of Healing, Purpose, & Gifts
If anyone has ever owned a Dog than you know how close to Soul Mates & Angels they can feel. Loving, loyal, sweet, playful, protective, cuddly, all the glorious things [...]
The Rewards Of Following Our Divine Feminine Guidance & Intuition: Taking Time To Appreciate Answered Prayers & Requests To The Universe, Embracing The Slow Down At The End Of The Year, & A Personal Life Update
Hello Dear Ones, I have news! Updates on my travel adventures included in this Divine Feminine solo episode which highlights the rewards of following our guidance and the nudges of [...]
3 Reason Why Healing Can Hurt & How It’s Actually A Great Indication That The Process Is Working, That Change Is Occurring, & You Can Trust And Relax Knowing That Your Divine Feminine Era Of Transformation Is About To Take Flight
I had a big AHA! moment this past week as I was panicking about a wound on my thumb which I feared was infected. It hurt! Surely there must be [...]
Being A Living Inspiration For Others To Follow Their Dreams: Designing Your Own Life Of Travel & Adventure Which Can Lead To Extraordinary Experiences of Growth & Fulfillment
As many of you lovely listeners probably already know, I'm a big fan of travel. As a self proclaimed nomad I decided to take my life on the road years [...]
The Gorgeous Benefits Of Authentic Gratitude; How To Open Yourself To Experience True Moments Of Thankfulness And Be In The Divine Feminine Energy Of Connection & Harmony With The Gifts Around You
If you live in the US then the topic of gratitude and thankfulness has been bountiful in the past week. Yet in general, the end of the year and holiday [...]
Identifying Where Codependency Shows Up & Impacts Your Life, Relationships, Wellbeing & Differentiating It From Healthy Dependence & How It Keeps Us From Our Divine Feminine Personal Sovereignty
I'm tackling another big 'ol buzz topic in the Spiritual and Therapy Worlds these days; Codependency. It shows up in a lot of my episode titles because, well, it has [...]
Delving Into the Realms Of Wisdom From Ancient Civilizations & Reclaiming Our Sacred Selves Through The Divine Feminine Healing Journey With A Practical Mystic
When your Soul asks you to let go of the old, there is a creative force at play that you cannot see. You're being guided by the energetic alignments of [...]
Discovering The Beauty Of Synchronicity In Our Lives: How Seemingly Surprising Coincidences Are Actually A Part of Divine Feminine Guidance & Indications That You’re On Your Soul Path
It is such a delightful surprise when a synchronistic event seems to pop up out of no where. Something as simple as seeing the same recurring numbers over and over [...]
Discovering & Honoring Your Truth To Free Yourself From Codependent Fears & Own Your Authentic, Divine Feminine Experience & Share It With Others
Truth is a very vast concept. Yet, what is truth exactly? It could be described as that which is fully and accurately expressed, unaltered or obstructed. That being the case, [...]
Writing & Creating As An Act Of Faith: Finding The Courage & Giving Ourselves The Permission To Believe Deeply In Our Divine Feminine Selves & The Importance Of Our Stories & Ideas
When this week's guest, author Patricia Crisafulli, and I first got on a call together she expressed that she wasn't quite sure if she would be the right fit for [...]
3 Steps Towards Asking Your Angels, Spirit Guides, & Ancestors For Guidance In Following Your Soul’s Path & Purpose & Bringing Forth Your Gifts For The Highest Good
You are never alone. This statement is a sacred truth. One I was reminded of last week when the owner of an Air bnb where I was staying told me [...]
Where Are You Stuck And Why Are You Staying There? Asking Ourselves The Important Questions To Let Go Of What No Longer Serves Us & Step Into A Divine Feminine Life Of Fulfillment & Joy That You Deserve
Experiencing a life of joy & fulfillment is the true purpose of life. To know ourselves as a piece of the Universe in all its glory. Yet unfortunately so many [...]
Pursuing A Meaningful Life & Prioritizing Happiness To Get Into The Divine Feminine Flow Of Joy & True Fulfillment
What does happiness mean to you? Most of us realize at a certain point in life that success, money, beauty, and so on do not equate to fulfillment and feeling [...]
Tapping Into Your Divine Feminine Witch Magic To Transform the World & A Few Tales of Halloween In Salem
My explorations of the North East took me to Salem, Massachusetts this past week for Halloween. The energy and feel of the place gave me heightened inspiration to dive into [...]
5 Steps to Extinguish Obsessive Thinking & Release Rumination To Find Relief From Codependent Fears & Experience Greater Divine Feminine Peace
Getting stuck in an obsessive thinking loop can feel like torture. Unable to break out and being berated with fears and fixations that seem to be building in intensity. Most [...]
Connecting With Your Wise Little One To Move Into A State Of Divine Feminine Peace, Acceptance, & Joy To Leave Codependent Fears Behind
I had the distinct pleasure of reading an advance copy of author Jane Wilson's remarkable book, Wise Little One. I started it over the Summer and thought I'd read it [...]
4 Steps To Letting Your Creative Spirit Take Off & Create A Divine Feminine Creative Space To Allow Your Magic To Come To Life
"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; there is where they should be. Now put foundations under them." Henry David ThoreauGetting into our [...]
Freeing Yourself From Victim Mentality For Good To Allow Yourself To Move Fully Into Your True Divine Feminine Potential
The devastating, hurtful, and heartbreaking things that happen to us need to be seen, acknowledged, grieved, and heard. This is critical for us to begin to heal and learn to [...]
Exploring The Phases Of Transformation & Keys To Successfully Achieving The Body & Soul That Represents Your Divine Feminine Essence & Power
It's often perceived that self love, confidence, and esteem is developed instantaneously & happens if we want it badly enough. The reality is that if we really want it we [...]
The Profound Impact of Ending The Pursuit For Perfection To Reclaim Our True Divine Feminine Radiance, Brilliance, And Freedom
"“And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good.”― John Steinbeck, East of EdenThis quote inspired the Divine Feminine solo episode for this week. Sometimes you [...]
How Shifting Into An Attitude of Appreciation & Releasing Codependent Habits Of Self Criticism Can Transform Your Life By Embracing What Is & Allowing Your Divine Feminine Light to Shine
It's remarkable how naturally Humans tend to take things for granted. So often we yearn & yearn for something, only to dismiss it once we get it & ask, "what's [...]
Beating The Shame Game: How To Transmute The Pain & Persistence of Shame Into The Empowering Divine Feminine Energy of Courage, Compassion, And Kindness
Shame is an insidious force. Born of fear, embarrassment, and regret, shame festers in our emotional bodies to create core false beliefs about ourselves. These beliefs then guide our actions [...]
5 Divine Feminine Practices To Begin Cultivating Self Love On A Daily Basis To Break Free From Codependency & Become Your Own Greatest Source Of Love
I'm on a Self Love kick lately and I'm hoping many of you will join me. especially after the eclipse and New Moon in Libra this past weekend. I feel [...]
3 Ways to Identify & Break Through Barriers to Self Love And Reclaim Your Divine Feminine
Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for [...]
Are You A Divine Rebel Or Angel? How Divine Feminine Women Are Unraveling Ancestral Patterns & Awakening The Heart of The World To Transform Our Experience Of Life On Earth
There are some guests on this show that take us up, out of the atmosphere, and into the cosmos. Where we explore galactic gifts and potentials of light workers, healers, [...]
3 Steps For Stepping Into Your Divine Feminine Space Of Sensuality, Pleasure, Desire & Tantric Intimacy To Own & Express Your Unique, Powerful Sexuality
On last Friday's Identify & Heal solo episode, I offered some guidance on establishing boundaries with intimacy and connecting with our Divine Feminine sexuality. After recording I realized I wanted [...]
Identifying Your Needs & Boundaries With Sex & Intimacy; How To Connect With & Own Your Divine Feminine Sexuality
For Women it can be difficult at times to connect with, trust, and understand our sexual desires. For so long we've been told what we're "supposed" to want and not [...]
Is This What You Really Want? How to Go Beyond Trauma into the Relationship You Deserve While Honoring Your Divine Feminine Self With Full Acceptance
We're all dreaming of our True Love coming into our lives, if we haven't already met them. Yet for many of us, rather than finding True Love we find ourselves [...]
The Heart Warming Gifts Of The Autumn Equinox: Dropping Into Our Divine Feminine During This Time Of Rest, Reprieve, & Savoring The Joys Of The Season
Happy Autumn Equinox, Super Full Moon in Aries, October, & Eclipse season! Ya, there's a lot going on right now. SO I wanted to do an episode to acknowledge this [...]
The Power Of Pausing & Pushing Through Impulsiveness: How Activating Our Divine Feminine Ability To Be Still, Non-Reactive, & Wait To Receive Can Bring The Greatest Joys Into Our Lives
In many situations It is often the case that the best action is no action. When it is for our highest good to wait and let our emotions settle before [...]
How To Unlock Your Divine Feminine Power and Lead! Activate Your Original Codes, Soul Gifts, & Mastery Within You Needed To Open The New Golden Age
There is no doubt that a grand awakening is happening on our planet, ushering in a Golden Age for Humanity. Exciting, right?? And the kicker is that the new Divine [...]
The Surprising Benefits Of Communing With Spirit Animals & Connecting With The Divine Feminine Sacred Spaces Of The Earth
Hey there everyone! I hope you enjoy this week's Divine Feminine episode. While I'm on my Surrender Experiment journey I'll be providing updates on my travels each Monday, along with [...]
Inner Child Work Part Two; Building A Relationship With Your Inner Child To Develop A Loving, Divine Feminine Understanding Of Your True Needs, Desires, & Joys
After completing the first solo episode on Inner Child work I realized that a follow up was necessary. It really is a two part process, the second of which becomes [...]
Embracing Diversity In Relationships To Explore Our True Divine Feminine Love, Pleasure, & Enjoyment In All Areas Of Life
What do you really want out of love, relationships, sex, intimacy, & connection? Far too often we neglect asking ourselves these questions and instead fall in line with standard norms [...]
The Importance Of Trusting In The Invisible; Focusing On The Divine Feminine Essence Of What You Want Rather Than Its Physical Manifestation To Be Guided Towards Your Dreams
I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way but for awhile now it seems like I can FEEL the essence of my future yet can seem to put my [...]
An Introduction to Inner Child Work: How To Begin to Heal & Reclaim Our True Divine Self By Bearing Witness To Our Wounded Child
Inner Child work has become a more broadly recognized terms in recent years due to the increased awareness around the importance of addressing and healing trauma. More specifically, trauma experienced [...]
Dropping Into Your Divine Feminine Self-Sourced Power To Shed Old Layers & Share Your Magic & Medicine With The World
When you feel that you've lost the ability to have a positive relationship with yourself and to be aligned with your values and actions, struggle can ensue. My guest this [...]
Taking the BIG Call: Opening Yourself to Divine Feminine Intuition & Guidance From The Universe + A Show/Personal Life Update From Whitney
Hello Everyone! This Divine Feminine solo episode focuses on Taking The Big Call! Opening ourselves to the guidance of the Universe, Spirits, Intuition, Higher Self, Source...whatever you want to call [...]
3 Steps to Identify Resistance to What Is: How To Begin Surrendering To Everything In Your Life, Just As It Is, & End The Egoic Struggle For Control
Humans often find ourselves in a futile fight to control the outcome and circumstances of our lives. Of course we all want to make the best effort we can to [...]
Breaking Free From Distortion Patterns To Enter Into Divine Feminine Self Empowerment & Crack The Manifestation Code
Many of us feel unable to experience the true richness of our lives. To embrace our power as co-creators of our reality & develop a deep connection with the Divine. [...]
3 Steps For Returning to Your Divine Feminine Self After Devastating Heartbreak, Trauma, Addiction, Or Loss
There is a crack, a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in- Anthem, Leonard CohenThere are times in our lives when we experience events that cause us to [...]
Love Detox: How to Give Up The Addiction To Codependent, Toxic Relationships For Good & Return To Your True Divine Feminine Self To Find Unconditional Love Within
I said it was coming and here it is! As a follow up to last week's episode on Love Addiction I'm offering the antidote; a Love Detox! After breaking down [...]
Understanding the Deep Grief & Loss That Comes From A Broken Heart & How To Use Our Divine Feminine Inner Medicine & Qi To Liberate Our Hearts & Heal
The ending of a romantic relationship can be truly and utterly devastating to our system. Our body, mind, and Soul can experience deep pain, suffering, depression, confusion, rumination, and a [...]
Guidance for Following Your Intuition & Trusting Your Truth to Step Away From Codependent Fear & Towards Divine Feminine Abundance, Success, and Fulfillment
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -Anais NinYou are your own greatest source [...]
Love Addiction: What Keeps Us Going Back to Codependent, Roller Coaster Relationships and How to Kick the Habit For Good
The lights are on, but you're not home. Your mind is not your own. Your heart sweats, your body shakes. Another kiss is what it takes..... You know you're gonna [...]
Taking A Cosmic Dive Into the Starseed Academy; Exploring Soul Gifts, Earth Missions, & Our Divine Feminine Psychic Abilities
Not everyone is into with the more esoteric concepts and ideas about life, reality, and our Soul's voyage through the Cosmos. Well, let me tell you, I sure am! Which [...]
The Value of Asking Ourselves, Is That True? How This Divine Feminine Inquiry Can Break Us Out Of Codependent Thought Loops & Help Us Discern Our Personal Truth From Fear-Based Assumptions
There is a simple question you can ask yourself throughout your day that can help you find greater peace of mind and let go of intrusive thought loops. The question [...]
The Importance & Value of Anger as a Natural Way to Fully Feel & Release Emotions, Avoid Rage, & Allow For Greater Divine Feminine Clarity & Peace
Anger is not always the most comfortable emotion. It can feel hot, fiery, overwhelming, & belligerent. At the same time, sometimes anger can feel satisfying if we're really upset with [...]
Before War: When Women Ruled The World; Exploring the Story of Our Matriarchal Origins & How The Return of the Divine Feminine Presence Can Change Everything
It's hard to imagine a World that didn't feel like it was ruled and dominated by Men. A World where War didn't exist and societies were ruled and governed very [...]
Releasing Regret to Reclaim Your Life: Why Holding Onto Regret Can Be The Greatest Barrier to Stepping Into Our Divine Feminine Power & Keeps Us Stuck In Codependent Fixations
Regret is not inherently a bad thing to experience. In its initial stage regret can enable us to realize that we do not prefer the choice or action we made [...]
The Truth About Spiritual Awakenings: What Are They Really Like & How Do They Help Us Evolve Towards Our True Divine Self & Reduce Codependent Cycles?
Most of us have heard of the term " A Spiritual Awakening", yet what does it actually mean? Is it something that happens instantaneously or over time? Is there something [...]
Healing Abusive Brain Chatter & Connecting With Divine Feminine Principles of Unconditional Self Acceptance For Greater Joy & Graceful Aging
One of the greatest challenges that all Human Beings face is the incessant voice in our heads which seems to critique and judge our every move and remind us of [...]
The Benefits of Creating A Divine Feminine Sacred Space & Establishing A Daily Practice to Connect With Your Higher Self & Your Truth to Release Codependent Fears
In the midst of our day to day lives it can be easy to get caught up in the minutiae & illusion of obligations, needs, and requirements. There is a [...]
3 Reasons Not to Settle For Less When You’re Ready to Find Your Soul Mate: How Low Grade Connections Can Hinder Your Divine Feminine Progress and Keep You Trapped In Codependent Connections
We've all been there before. We've sworn off dating, deciding to take a break and focus on ourselves until the real deal comes along. And then...someone does come along, but [...]
The Impact of Using Humor & Education to Empower & Inspire Women Towards Self Love and Acceptance of Their Divine Feminine Selves & Ditch Codependency
Working towards healing and loving ourselves can be heavy work. It's wonderful to add some levity once in awhile through laughter and humor. Mix that with some education around our [...]
The Power of Forgiveness: How Letting Go Of Anger & Resentment Can Set Us Free From Codependent Frustration & Move Us Into Divine Feminine Freedom
Anger & resentment can be very heavy and destructive emotions to carry around. They keep us in a place of discontent, frustration, and bitterness preventing us from feeling at peace [...]
It Takes Two To Toxic: Why Codependent & Unhealthy Relationships Indicate A Disconnection From Our Divine Feminine Power
Ok, hear me out here. I'm not making accusations, I just wanted to share some thoughts that came to me about being stuck in one dead end, dramatic relationship after [...]
How to Magnetize the Man of Your Deepest Desires Through Your Inner Divine Feminine & Masculine Energy Field to Welcome In Epic Love
If there is one thing I'm eager to ask people about these days it's, how did you find your Soul Mate!? As someone on the pursuit, I'm so curious how [...]
3 Steps For Using The Power Of Visualization To Manifest The Relationships, Situations, & Life You Desire to Create Divine Feminine Balance, Peace, & Harmony
People tend to feel one way or another about the practice of visualization. They either think it's bullshit or that it's the first step of the sacred creation process towards [...]
The Transformative Benefits of Travel To Shed Old Energy, Shift Perspectives, Break Out of Codependency, & Embrace Divine Feminine Guidance
There's something about travel. Embarking on an adventure, setting out to explore new places, or simply heading out to enjoy one of your favorite day trip destinations. The movement, novelty, [...]
Getting Your Divine Feminine Love Fix; Identifying Codependent Tendencies to Shift Into A Healthy Romantic Relationship & Experience Greater Peace With Yourself
Love & dating doesn’t have to suck. It can, in fact, be fun, exciting, and enjoyable and lead us to a beautiful, fulfilling relationship. So how do we get to [...]
An Introduction to Tarot Cards: How to Work With & Understand An Ancient Divine Feminine Divination Tool
Tarot came into my life very unexpectedly, as it often does for many Spiritual seekers. When we announce our willingness to open ourselves to our psychic, metaphysic, and energetic abilities [...]
Why We Ask For Love From People Who Aren’t Able To or Don’t Want to Give It To Us: When Codependency Makes Us Believe We’re Unloveable
Too often it's the case that someone can receive 100 compliments yet choose instead to only focus on the one person who insulted them. The same can be seen frequently [...]
Breaking Through & Healing From the Mindsets of Impostor Syndrome, Perfectionism, and Distractionism To Move Into Your Full Divine Feminine Self & End Codependent Cycles
What causes so much fear, self-doubt, and overwhelm for high-achieving women when trying to advance professional dreams? What are the roots of this phenomenon and how can we break free [...]
Seeing the Beauty In Everything Around You To Fully Embrace Your Divine Feminine Experience
How often do you take the time to slow down and really take in the beauty of everything around you? The beauty of a flower, a moment, a smile, a [...]
The Power of Understanding Attachment Styles to Achieve A Healthy, Codependency Free Relationship That Honors Your Divine Feminine
Every person is unique in how they've learned to connect with and attach to others in romantic relationships. Many would say that these attachment styles are developed early on in [...]
Abundance & Light Activation To Intuitively Connect With Your Divine Feminine Inner Vision & Cut The Chords of Codependency
As I prep this episode on the 4th of July to be released tomorrow I of course have the theme of Freedom in mind. What does freedom mean to you? [...]
Releasing Attraction to Anything That Is Not Love To Fully Embody Your Divine Feminine Self And End Codependent Attachments for Good
Unhealthy relationships. Inconsistent people. Drugs and alcohol. Food. Sex. Love. Attention. Have you ever been drawn to something that wasn't for your highest good? Something that might feel good in [...]
Is It Heart Break Or An Ego Bruise? Using Your Divine Feminine Knowing To Explore Your True Feelings When a Codependent Relationship Ends
Breaking up is hard to do. It can be absolutely brutal when a relationship comes to an end leaving us feeling like a life force we've come to know and [...]
The Power of Somatics, Attunement, & Embodiment As A Path to Divine Feminine Empowerment & To Heal Trauma
Somatic therapy is a beautiful offering that gives due recognition to the importance of stored trauma and other emotions in the body. It has extensive benefits which my guest this week, [...]
Embracing the Divine Feminine Energy of Receiving; How Surrendering to Our Yin Energy Will Bring in All Your Heart’s Desires And End Codependency
One of the primary messages of Women Waken is encouraging all beings to allow their feminine energy to come through in a World that desperately needs rebalancing. A powerful way [...]
5 Steps to Being The Energy You Want to Attract To Embody Your Divine Feminine, Sever Codependent Ties, & Find True Love
Like Attracts like. We vibe with others whom we share similar frequencies with. So it makes sense that we would want to be actively raising our frequencies and emitting the [...]
Goddess Astrology As A Tool To Reclaim Your Power On The Divine Feminine Awakening Journey
The answers are written in the stars. Such deep wisdom and understanding can be retrieved from studying the skies and our birth charts. My guest this week, Goddess Astrologer Jude [...]
Listening to Your Divine Feminine Intuition; Becoming Your Own Greatest Source of Wisdom & Guidance to Free Yourself From Codependency
What is intuition? Does everyone have it? And if so, how do we know how to listen to and follow it? Intuition is referred to as our Internal Guidance System, [...]
Break-Ups & Rejection as a Catalyst For Transformation, Growth, & Closing Codependent Cycles To Embrace Our True Divine Feminine Spirit
The old adage is true; breaking up is hard to do. There is nothing quite like the ending of a romantic relationship to truly feel like you've been punched in [...]
Exploring the Divine Feminine From A Spiritual Asshole’s Perspective: The Benefits of Going Full Goblin & Surrendering To Your True, Authentic Self
I always enjoy bringing some of that Masculine energy onto Women Waken. It's a beautiful thing when the Masculine and Feminine energies can combine to celebrate their differences and realize [...]
3 Ways to Return to Your Divine Feminine Self When You’re Feeling Challenged By Self Doubt, Insecurity, and Codependent Fears of Rejection
It's amazing how we can feel like we've reached a place of peace, confidence, and acceptance of ourselves until we step into the outside World. Entering into situations where we [...]
Top 5 Dating Mistakes to Avoid to Prevent Trauma-Based, Codependent Responses & Create Healthy Boundaries
After doing a few episodes on tips to increase your chances of getting into a healthy romantic connection, I thought I'd take the next step. Once you're dating someone, how [...]
The Transformative Experience of Connecting With Our Inner Adolescent to Release Childhood Conditioning, Codependent Behaviors, And Embrace Our Divine Feminine
One of my favorite themes to explore in my work as a podcaster is; how do we want the future to look? What do we want for future generations that [...]
Be Yourself Always! How Not Holding Back Your True, Divine Feminine Self And Releasing Codependent Concerns Can Change Your Life
A few weekends ago I traveled to the Oregon coast and received a wave of a message from the remarkable Pacific Ocean. The ocean roared in all of its glory [...]
A Dark Night of the Soul; How Surrendering to Transformation Can Liberate You From Trauma, Codependency, and Align You with Your Divine Soul Path
Most likely you have heard the term, "A Dark Night of the Soul" before. Referring to a time of being brought to your knees by challenges in life, grief, reliving [...]
The Brilliance of Being A Wise Sage; Learning to Embrace Aging As Our True Divine Feminine Selves and Letting Go of Codependent Attachments
Someone once said that aging isn't for the faint of heart. Aging can indeed be challenging and intimidating. Especially for Women. With so much focus on our looks and the [...]
Practicing New And Full Moon Rituals: Tapping Into Your Divine Feminine Nature to Create the Future and Release the Past
Do you have a special ceremony you do for Full and New Moons? Putting your crystals out under the night sky, writing your intentions and burning them, making some Moon [...]
5 Boundaries to Establish While Dating to Avoid Codependent & Toxic Partnerships And Be Fully In Your Divine Feminine
Hello Dear Listeners! I've now done 2 episodes on Trauma Vs Love picking your romantic partnerships while dating. I'm back at it with today's Identify and Heal solo episode to [...]
How Near Death Experiences & Hypnosis Can Set You Free From A Life of Fear and Codependency Into Divine Feminine Understanding
Have you ever heard someone's story of a Near Death Experience or Spiritually Transformative Experience? They are fascinating! And despite common beliefs about death and dying, Near Death Experiences (NDE's) [...]
The 8 Divine Feminine Psychic Abilities You Can Begin to Work With Now to Experience Greater Empowerment in Relationships and Detach From Codependency
Have you ever thought you might be psychic? I have a secret to tell you, YOU ARE!! We are ALL psychic. Additional senses are as real, common, and inherent to [...]
4 Steps to Coming From Your Divine Feminine When Dating to End Codependent Situationships For Good
A few weeks back I did a solo episode on how to identify when trauma is picking your partner in regards to dating. I'm back this week for my Identify [...]
Make Miracles Happen: Guidance For Living a Soul-Led Life, Dropping Codependency, and Embracing Your Divine Feminine
Does spirituality have specific guidelines? Does everyone have access to a creating a strong connection to their higher guidance, deep intuition, and powerful knowing of Universal wisdom? The answer is [...]
Divine Feminine Guidance For Coming From Love and Overcoming Codependency
What does it feel like to be coming from love rather than fear in our lives? A key component of the Divine Feminine is having an open heart and coming [...]
2 Ways to Identify An Addiction to Chaos & Dysfunction and How to Break Free for Healthier Relationships
Do you prefer to have a lot going on around you rather than to be in a still, quiet house? TV on or podcast playing on your phone while you [...]
Awakening Your Inner Divine Feminine By Embracing Yourself As Perfect & Lacking Nothing and Melt Away Codependency
Are you ready to awaken your Inner Divine Feminine? To Finally come into knowing that you are Perfect, Complete, and Lacking Nothing? I hope you're ready because once you step [...]
Embracing Beltane Using Divine Feminine Aspects of Self Love, Grounding, and Connection
Welcome to the time of Beltane! Beltane is a Gaelic May Day festival recognizing the midway point between Spring and Summer. This is a time when we can feel the [...]
Recognizing the Signs: How to Identify If You’re Developing an Addiction or Unhealthy Codependent Pattern
Throughout the course of our lives, almost everyone will experience some form of an unhealthy relationship with various energies that we engage with. By energies I mean food, drugs, alcohol, [...]
How to Achieve Freedom from Negative Mental Loops & Codependency with Emotional Freedom Techniques
Are negative mental loops and codependency holding you back? Discover how Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help you achieve freedom and healing. There are a multitude of modalities out there [...]
Divine Feminine Heart Opening Practices to Begin Coming From Love & Experience Greater Joy
Embrace the power of the Divine Feminine and unlock greater joy with these heart-opening practices. Start your journey towards a more fulfilling life today. What does it mean to come [...]
The Power of Shadow Work: Awakening Your Divine Light for Prosperity and Healthy Relationships
Winnie Chan Wang is the self professed Queen of compassion and transformation, She takes on this title because she understands the vital importance of being compassionate, towards ourselves and others, [...]
How to End the Cycle of Trauma Picking Your Romantic Partners
Have you always dreamed of meeting your True Love, Soul Mate, Divine Life Partner? Someone who really sees you, gets you, appreciates and loves you just as you are? Ya. [...]
How to Break Away from Codependency and Embrace Holistic Healing in Your Relationships
There is a single daily habit which can completely change each and every experience and interaction in our lives. Are you ready for it? Come from love. That's it. Allow [...]
Following Your Soul’s Path Towards Harmonious Relationships and Inner Peace
Is it possible that there is deeper reason why depression, anxiety, suicide, and addiction rates are so high in our World? Could it be because we are not actually living [...]
How to Release Codependency Through Divine Feminine Sound Healing & Meditation
Are you seeking a deeper sense of peace and alignment in your life? The aspects of the Divine feminine are the key to making these desires a reality. You can [...]
The Secret About Non-Monogamy as a Pathway to Divine & Unconditional Love & Releasing Codependency
What is love? It's a big question. Yet it's an important question to explore as it is a question that Humans still don't seem to be able to answer. Is [...]
Exploring Non-Monogamy; How To Identify Your Needs In A Relationship, Break Free From Codependency, & Awaken Your Divine Feminine
When it comes to making major life decisions, like what type of relationship we want and who we want to have them with, the quickest way do so is by [...]
An Honest Look at Recovery with Rehab Road Trips: The Myths, Realities, and The Joy Found in Sobriety
As a therapist specializing in addiction and substance abuse, I'm often asked to provide referrals for treatment centers. Although I've worked in a few and am familiar with many in [...]
Tackling the Depths of Grief: Recognizing Its Impact on Your Confidence & Self Worth and Finding The Hidden Gifts Within It
Grief can be a very heavy and overwhelming emotion. It can seem to live within us, it's own lifeforce that can't be tamed. At times it may feel that grief [...]
Living on Purpose and Breaking Through Your Comfort Zone to Achieve True Confidence
At a certain point in our lives, once we have identified our traumas and childhood conditioning and begun to heal, it becomes time to make deliberate choices in order to [...]
Steps to Identify Trauma and Begin The Healing Process
On this solo episode I follow up on some of the themes and ideas that came up in last weeks' guest episode with Ingrid Christine, author of Unmasked: A Triumphant [...]
Understanding Physical Manifestations of Childhood Trauma in The Body and How to Reclaim Your Peace
What does childhood trauma look like when you're an adult? When it's been buried deep within us, it doesn't just go away. And once you find it, how can you [...]
3 Simple Strategies for Finding Harmony, Balance, & Fulfillment in Life
In this week's solo episode I wanted to expand on some of the topics that my guest from last week, Kinjal Shah, and I spoke about on the show last [...]
Exploring the Importance of Going Inward – Learning How to Heal Yourself
Connect with your inner strength and heal yourself with this essential guide on self-acceptance and exploring how to go inward. Learn how to use compassion, understanding and acceptance to transform your life!
How to Maintain Unconditional Self Acceptance While Navigating Dating and Other Relationships
Balance self-love and intimate relationships with this comprehensive exploration into unconditional self-acceptance, having greater regard for yourself, and building healthier thought processes when dealing with others.
Aligning with Destiny and Activating Your Divine Feminine Energy and Inner Light
Do you believe in destiny? If there is such a think, how can we best align with our destined path? My guest this week, Carrie Hart, is here to offer direct insight and tips on following your intuition, connecting with your higher guidance, and getting ont
Embracing Unconditional Self Acceptance to Achieve Inner Peace
Find freedom from self-doubt and anxiety through the cultivation of Unconditional Self Acceptance. Check out this video for 3 easy tips on reaching that goal!
Unconditional Vs Conditional Love: How to Achieve Ultimate Happiness and Self Acceptance
Embrace joy and freedom by understanding the key distinctions between unconditional vs conditional love. This essential resource reveals a powerful path to achieving ultimate happiness through self-acceptance.
Making Peace With Our Bodies; Balance and Respect is Possible
Discover a new life of balance and respect when you learn how to listen to your body. This solo episode outlines how to make peace with and listen to your body, honor what your body needs and enjoys, and find inner harmony.
How Physical Therapy Can Be a Guide for Listening to Your Body, Improving Health, and Aging Well
Many of us are looking to maximize our physical health and create holistic well-being. Finding balance and consistency with how we fuel, move, and treat our bodies. This episode provides an essential guide for using physical therapy as a tool for listenin
Stop Abandoning Yourself – Identify and Break the Cycle of Self-Betrayal
What is self-betrayal or abandonment? How can we identify it so we can begin to move more into alignment and acceptance with ourselves? These are the questions I'm answering in this week's solo episode on ending the patterns of self-betrayal and stepping
Unlock Your True Potential: How To Erase Conditioning and Be Connected With The Universe
Ready to reclaim yourself? Uncover your authentic core and unlock your true potential? The lovely Renee Linnell, author, entrepreneur and former cult member, and I offer some spectacular insight into how anyone can find their way back to themselves, no ma
Happy Winter Solstice and End of the Year Updates
Wishing everyone a wonderful Winter Solstice and Happy Holidays! Offering a little insight into this, the shortest day of the year, what the Solstice is and how we can recognize this time.
Why Women Struggle Profoundly With Body Image and How We Can Begin to Break Free
This week I release my first solo episode and jump right into one of the most crucial concerns facing Women, Body Image. Branching off from last week's episode about Women's relationship with food, weight, and eating, I take it a step further and ask the
The Truth About Eating Disorders and Dieting; The Impact on Your Body and How to Move Towards Recovery
An eating disorder is often a lonely and confusing road to navigate. It can be helpful to her from those who have walked these roads and were able to move on to a path of recovery. Nutritionist, Jen Powers, joins the show today as we shed light on the har
Feminine Sexuality: Pt 3, Experiencing Optimal Pleasure
Women deserve to experience pleasure. A lot of it. For a long time a Woman's needs and experience were not often considered or blatantly disregarded. Not anymore. Times are changing and Women are beginning to realize the potential for their pleasure level
Feminine Sexuality: Pt 2, Stepping Into Your Sexual Power
A Women's sexual power and prowess has been the stuff of legend and folklore for ions as to what has been a driving force for revolutions and rebellions. On this 2nd episode of our Feminine Sexuality series, Kayla and I delve into how Women can step into
Feminine Sexuality: Pt 1, Exploring Women’s Relationship with Sex
A Women's relationship with sex is often a complicated one. Why is this? What are the components involved that can leave Women feeling conflicted about how they engage sexually and what they really want. Kayla and I jump into the beautifully messy World o
Update from Whitney for The Women Waken Podcast!
Update from Whitney on the podcast and life happenings!
Money Magic: Healing Money Trauma and Becoming a Money Magician with Vangile Makwakwa!
The adventure of a lifetime lyes just beyond your fears and doubts around your finances and personal worth. So how can we move ourselves into a place of seeing ourselves as money magicians with a healthy and positive mindset around material wealth? It tak
Quantum Enlightenment: Ending the Constraints of Emotional Burdens and Karma with Ellyn Katherine Shamalov!
The pursuit of emotional freedom is a noble and worthwhile one. Yet it can feel like a herculean task when you're stuck in the pits of victim mentality and self rejection. Many of us could use some help to break free of this treacherous cycles and Ellyn K
Diamond Heart Teachings: Multidimensional Feminine Embodiment & the 8 Pillars of Venus with Kate Alexandra!
It's an exciting time right now where ancient knowledge and wisdom is coming back into the consciousness of many individuals to guide our planet to a greater way of existing based in love rather than fear. Kate Alexander, Self Development Mentor and Regre
Addressing Narcissistic Abuse and the Different Types of Narcissism with Veronica Monet!
Narcissism, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Narcissistic Abuse have become very commonly used terms in podcasts, YouTube videos, psychology classes, and amongst friends chatting about their dating lives or partners. So what exactly is Narcism and n
Slay & Thrive: Breaking Free of Binge Eating/Addictions & Taking a Spiritual Approach with Kayla Van Egdom!
It can be challenging to know what to do with the immensely powerful, Feminine energy that exists within in us yet is so strongly stifled. When Women fall into the cycle of binge eating or sexual addiction it can often be an effort to channel the power wi
Global Yin Yang Balance and Personal Transformation Through North Node Astrology with Jean Jung!
It's always powerful to get a unique perspective on the way various cultures differ in beliefs and values including how they embody the Yin and Yang energies which shape our World. Jean Jung, Transformational Coach, offers some insight into her experience
The Realities of Entrepreneurship, Crisis Work, Intuitive Therapy, & Psychic Guidance with Amanda Cortez!
This is a very special episode as my dear friend and fellow therapist Amanda Cortez and I unite in person to record this episode live and while dressed up in shimmery, sparkling dresses after raiding her closet! We have way too much fun talking all things
Travel as Transformation; Personal Growth, Resilience Building, and Expanded Awareness from Travels with Eleanor Lumsden!
There is nothing quite like travel to awaken a deeper understanding of ourselves and the World. To experience new environments, cultures, people, experiences, and challenge ourselves to step outside of our comfort zones. Eleanor Lumsden, a seasoned World
Laughter as Medicine: The Power of Comedy to Heal, Connect, and Revive with JenX!
Laughter is a glorious thing and there is no doubt that comedy saves lives. I know it's brought me back to life on more than one occasion. On this episode I have the chance to wax philosophical on the benefits and brilliance of all things comedy and Women
The Future of Intentional Communities, Cooperative Living, and the Benefits of Communal Housing with Syd and Zach!
There is no question that our world is rapidly changing in regards to accessibility and affordability of housing for individuals and families alike. Alternative options for living are needed more than ever and the necessity will only continue to increase.
Musings on Freedom, Flourishing, and Harmonizing Intuition with The Practical Psychic, Karen Meadows!
Psychic powers, Witches, and Intuition, oh my! This episode is ripe with inspiration to begin tapping into and gaining awareness of our spiritual abilities, inner guidance, and gifts. Beginning this journey is always better with some guidance and Karen Me
Pathways to Pleasure; Tantric Intimacy and Full Body Orgasms with Dakini Raven!
I'm sure you've heard the term "Tantra," yet do you know what it is? Well, it involves a few things that might peak your interest: sexual stamina, vitality, intimacy exercises, mastering sexual energy, and full body orgasm. Need I say more? Well Dakini Ra
Ascension to the 5D, Unity Consciousness, and Following Our Guidance with Virpal Kaur!
Ready for some "out there" terms? Here it goes: Ascension, moving into 5D, Unity Consciousness, Light Language, and Light Codes. Are you still following? Whether you're well versed on these concepts or totally lost, you'll want to hear this enlightening e
Channeling Universal Truth and Trusting Your Abundance with David Strickel!
Channeled messages from Source have provided profound and transformative insights and information to humans since the dawn of time. The concepts and ideas received have shaped many of our beliefs and understanding of the nature of reality and true meaning
Ending Addiction For Good and Using Music as a Catalyst for Human Transformation with Constance Scharff!
Addiction is complex. Therefore, it is necessary for there to be as many options for recovery as there are people seeking it, allowing for a smorgasbord of options and means to obtain successful abstinence. Constance Scharff is a researcher and author who
Rebel Queens, Feminine Embodiment, and Reclaiming our Desires with Sophia Le Page!
Being a Woman can be oh so Divine. Our sensuality, sexuality, curvaceous bodies, brilliant minds, expansive hearts, and maternal instincts. Yet the greatest feminine feeling comes from the true, free expression of these qualities. Sophia Le Page is a Rebe
Discovering Women’s Sexuality, Anatomy, Hormonal Cycles, and Pleasure with Holly Osment!
A Woman’s body and sexuality can be a very mysterious and often unexplored world with many hidden treasures. Unfortunately, due to centuries of messaging that Women are temptresses, Original Sinners, and defiled through sex, we are not always the most com
Being the Soul Mate You Want to Attract with Jeanne Sullivan Billeci!
So many of us are on the hunt to find "The One;" our person, life partner, Divine Counterpart. Yet our focus is usually on how we want THEM to be rather than first asking what WE'RE being in order to attract them. The Soul Mate Coach, Jeanne Sullivan Bill
Working With the Energies of Taoism, Qigong, and Tai Chi to Rebalance Ourselves and the World with Dr. Davina!
You don't have to look very far to see that our World is pretty out of whack. It could use some serious rebalancing. The movement of energy through and around the body enables such rebalancing and that is the work of the wonderful, Dr. Davina! Dr. Davina
Magnificent Mushrooms, Sustainable Agriculture, and Land Stewardship with Miranda Ganci!
There's a major topic I haven't touch on yet on the show, and it may be the most important; how to care for the ultimate Woman, Mother Earth. Miranda Ganci is an agriculturist, Plant Pathologist, and advocate for land stewardship, sustainable agriculture,
Somatic Awakenings, Ascended Masters, and Divine Sovereign Beings with Dr. Melissa Sophia Joy!
It is a beautiful thing to move through the darkness and come out on the other side. Growth and evolution is assured, especially if it is a decade long journey! Dr. Melissa Sophia Joy has been there and back and is here to inspire others with stories of l
Yoni Power, Goddess Spirituality, Restoring Self-Esteem and Planetary Balance with Meloney Hudson!
We could use a lot more genuine, powerful, female energy on our planet right about now. For so many reasons, including to end the epidemic of low self-esteem and our tendency to live from insecurity. Meloney Hudson, Women's empowerment advocate, Author, a
Esoteric Acupuncture and Working with Our Shen, 5 Elements, and 5 Spirits with Dr. Kim Peirano!
Dr. Kim Peirano, DACM, LAc has a keen understanding of how healing happens on many different levels. As a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and licensed Acupuncturist, medical intuitive, past-life regression hypnotherapist and meditation instructor, Kim focuses
Joyful Conscious Parenting; Creating Harmony in the Home with Elisabeth Stitt!
Becoming a parent is a grand adventure yet it is also a very challenging one. That doesn't mean it can't be fun and joyous! Parenting Expert and Coach, Elisabeth Stitt, is here to help make joyful parenting a reality by guiding clients to connect with the
Oneness Consciousness and New Earth Visionaries with Amanda Monier!
Amanda Monier is a powerful presence and voice in the movement towards a new way of life on Earth. Where individuals are able to connect more fully with their intuition, navigate spiritual awakenings, balance the masculine and feminine, and release patter
Communing with the Divine Feminine and Embracing Brigid’s Flame with Kathleen Joan!
Kathleen Joan is a woman after my own heart. Her work is based around the Divine Feminine and ushering in its return on our planet. As a Spiritual Director, Reiki Healer, and Priestess of the Divine Feminine, Kathleen inspires the understanding that the
Navigating Spiritual Awakenings and Detaching from the Mind with Daniela Sulek!
The journey for truth will drive us beyond the bounds of our body, mind, and 3-D surroundings. Daniela Sulek took this journey and found herself seeing through the illusion of rigid physical reality and ridicule of human conditioning and into pure truth.
Conscious Recovery and The Keys to Freedom with TJ Woodward and Dr. Jessica Byrd-Olmstead!
Fabulous collaborations make for remarkable creations. TJ Woodward, founder of Conscious Recovery, and Dr. Jessica Byrd-Olmstead joined forces to write the Conscious Recovery for Teens Workbook, a strength-based perspective on addiction. Together the thre
Creativity and Confidence Building Through Theater and Performance Arts with Crystal Brown!
There's nothing quite like getting into character and acting as a totally different person to challenge and stretch ourselves outside of our comfort zones. This type of challenge is what allows for growth and being able to see our own abilities. My guest
The Importance of Ceremony and Creating Balance with Jnana Gowan!
Have you connected with your pachakuti lately? Are you seeking greater balance in your life yet unsure how to find it? The solution may be within a Shamanistic approach honoring ceremony, ritual and sacred reciprocity. My guest this week, Jnana Gowan, is
Coming Out of the Shadows and Ditching Your Doubts with Kerstin Phillips!
Our thoughts become our reality, so it's pretty important to be mindful of what's going on up there as well how we feel in our bodies based on our thoughts. Yoga and Life Coach, Kerstin Phillips, helps her clients to make this connection and to begin a th
Radical Self Approval and Disrupting the Trance of Unworthiness with Monica Rodgers!
Attempting to accept ourselves for who we our and to know our worth can feel like an arduous and endless battle. Yet it is absolutely possible and actually the most effortless thing in the world once you discover it. The big question is, how do we figure
Ancient Indian Goddesses, Traditions, and Wisdom with Padma Menon!
Most of us are familiar with some of the great Ancient Indian Goddesses; Kali, Dhumavathi, Earth Goddess, Saraswathi. Yet there is such great depth and meaning behind them that it's well worth a deeper look. Padma Menon has keen expertise into Indian Godd
Delving Into the Akashic Records and the 4 Pillars of Wellbeing with Isabele Giroux!
Akashic records are fascinating and mysterious. They can unlock hidden truths about the path of our current lives and provide greater clarity into our challenges. Combine this insight with some guidance on how to create blissful health and powerful energe
Mastering the Art of Sleeping with Paul Bright!
Sleep is sacred. Anyone who has struggled with sleep issues knows this to be true and how devastating and impactful on our lives it can be when sleep eludes us. Paul Bright, Certified Sleep Science Coach, offers some fantastic tips, tools and insight into
Money Wisdom and Developing Your Relationship with Wealth and Abundance with Susan Shloss
What is your relationship status with money? Is it complicated? Stable? Unhealthy? Whatever your status, money is something we all have to learn how to work with and manage and sometimes we could use a little help. This week Susan Shloss offers her persp
Speak! Let Your Primal Life Force and Purpose Be Heard Through Your Voice with Lauri Smith
There is great magnificence in the spoken word. It is how we offer ideas, messages, and share our vision. Our voice is one of the most powerful tools we have. My guest this week, Lauri Smith, a voice coach and leadership coach, offers up some awesome tips
Written in the Stars; Astrology 101 and Beyond with Deborah Beckwin!
Three words. Great importance. Sun, Moon, and Rising. Do you know yours? And which planet rules your sign? There’s so much more to Astrology than our horoscopes and Deborah Beckwin joins us for this weeks episode to give us the low down and all around reg
Where Life Meets Art: Channeling Grief, Addiction and Trauma into Beautiful Expressions with Adriana Marchione!
The amazing thing about life is that the greatest hardships and sorrows can produce the most exquisite creations and victories. Adriana Marchione has navigated significant grief and challenges in her life and found expressive arts and performance to be he
A Guide to Shamanic Journeying and Our Spiritual Ecosystem with The Spirit World Center!
Are you ready to take a walk onto the Spirit side? My first duo on the show, Eric and Loava, of The Spirit World Center are the perfect guides for such travels. If you've seen the Conjuring you have an idea of some of the paranormal spirit excavation work
Ink and Alchemy: the Power of Creativity with Robin Reynolds!
Robin Reynolds will be the first one to tell you that creativity is a powerful magic, and she wants you to discover your own unique brand of it. As an artist and creative coach with a professional career as a chemist, Robin is mastering the craft of combi
Transformation and Triumph After Trauma with Stephanie Hutchins!
It is often our darkest times that produce the greatest light. Stephanie Hutchins is a true testament to this as she has turned her most traumatic moments into her strongest source of empowerment. On this episode Stephanie shares about how she has summite
A Journey Into the Cosmos Exploring Twin Flames, Karma, and Ayahuasca with Mia Yakel!
Get Ready because spiritual life coach, Mia Yakel, and I talk about some mind bending concepts on this episode. Mia has been able to access many of her past lives and shares about past life karma, soul mates and twin flames, moving into our highest level
Musings on Death, Rebirth, and Psilocybin Journeys with Medicine Woman Jennifer Aldoretta!
It's always fun to sit down with a new friend and have a thought provoking, esoteric conversation. On this episode, Jennifer Aldoretta and I discuss what it means to be a medicine woman, the profound transformational experience of the death and rebirth cy
Healing Trauma and Reconnecting with Your True Nature with Alison Kate!
Alison Kate is a remarkably gifted holistic healer who specializes in helping clients shift from feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and stressed to empowered, capable, and aligned with their true self. Listen in to find out how you can clear the psychosomatic pa
Functional Medicine and Reclaiming Your Vibrancy and Vitality with Dr Valencia Ray!
It's always a treat to connect with a medical professional who is in support of mind, body, and soul integrative medicine. Dr. Valencia Ray is that woman and she is on a mission to help women to be in their feminine energy, overcome stress and burnout, im
A Buffet of Psychicness and the Paranormal with Julie Ryan!
Julia Ryan can communicate with passed loved ones, scan you and your animals for medical issues, and tell you if there's a ghost in your house all in one sitting. A psychic and medical intuitive, Julia Ryan has some fascinating gifts and awesome stories o
Building a Business Towards Freedom from Human Trafficking with Dawn Manske!
Damn Maske, Founder of Made for Freedom, fights human trafficking with style. On this episode Dawn shares with us about her first hand accounts of human trafficking, how she decided to start her own business to begin affecting change, and how we can all b
Accelerating Your Personal Evolution With Romona Mukherjee!
The process of personal growth is complicated. Psychotherapist Romona Mukherjee is here to remind us that it's ok, and even essential, to allow for anger, confusion, and that sometimes you may even need to find a Rage Room. Together we explore the need fo
Using Your Intuitive Superpowers With Valerie Tate!
Valerie Tate wants you to know that you have super powers and she can help you to start using them. Everybody has intuitive super powers and on this episode Valerie shares her expertise around what they are, how you can work with them, and the benefits of
Discovering Your Energetic Anatomy with Ama Ravensong!
Having an understanding of ourselves as energetic beings allows us to better understand who we really are and to heal our physical, mental and emotional ails. Ama Ravensong is an advanced Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine practitioner. In this episode, she e
Finding Your Voice, Writing Your Story, and Getting Published With Cynthia Gregory!
We all have a story to tell as well as the drive to be the director of our lives, yet we often don't know how to connect with either. That's when we could use a woman like Cynthia Gregory to hype us up and bring our true abilities and assets into awarenes
Demystifying Meditation with Mahesh Natrajan!
Meditation is something very simple that is so often overcomplicated. Which is why my friend Mahesh Natrajan created the Mediation Demystified Conference and is on the show to talk to us about how to seamlessly incorporate a meditation practice into your
Sacred Sex Work with Veronica Monet!
This episode is an extraordinary look into the world of sex work, healing from sexual trauma, and coming to embrace sexuality and all parts of yourself fully free from shame. My guest, Veronica Monet, offers an incredibly unique perspective having been bo
Finding the Feminine Frequency with Jessica Hadari!
Is it possible to follow your true calling in life and still have a successful and profitable business? Absolutely! Just ask Jessica Hadari, Spiritual Business Coach extraordinaire! Jessica has helped 100’s of women find their way to the life of their dr
Living Your Bigger Vision with Nicola Walker!
Hypnotherapist and inner freedom coach, Nicola Walker, would like everyone to move onto their true soul's path, including you! On this episode, my guest offers insight on how we can tap into our inner GPS system of intuition in order to live our bigger pu
A Life of Performance, World Travel, and the Value of Joy with Carly Ko!
This episodes highlights a wildly talented woman. Carly Ko shares about her experiences as a circus performer, model, hatha yoga instructor, and massage therapist incorporating somatic work and energy reading as well as the emphasis on experiencing greate
Dancing through Mid-life and Menopause with Vanessa Nixon!
This episode is a celebration of life, growing older, and womanhood all packed into an enthusiastic 60 min conversation with the Midlife Wellness Goddess herself. Vanessa shares about her work in guiding women through mid-life with gusto and delight as we
The Gifts and Guidance of our Dreams with Melissa Grace!
Melissa Grace and I have a fascinating conversation about all things dreams. We delve into and decipher the meaning of dreams, what we can learn from them, the dream patterns we experience, and the gifts that dreams have to offer!
Benefits of Our Light and Dark Sides and Getting into Flow with with Amy Adams!
Amy Adams inspires all things artistic and creative as a way to create more love and connection. Amy walks us through some crucial concepts including the dark and light side of ourselves, the benefits of yoga, reiki, and getting into the flow of life.
The History of the Sacred Feminine and Metaphysics with Lumineesa!
Our guest, Luminessa, takes us all the way from our heads to our Yonis in this luminous episode that hits on knowledge of the Divine Feminine, studies of tantra, and spiritual journey work using plant medicine and sexual healing.
Clairvoyance and Intuitive Guidance with Ellie Holbrook!
Psychic abilities, energy readings, gifts of therapy, Sacred Feminine Integrity and how to make space for it! So much awesome stuff to roll out with the phenomenal, Ellie Holbrook!
Angelic Gifts and Finding Destiny with Rae Calnan!
A cosmic journey with an amazingly gifted women into the world of past lives, future lives, and talking to our angel guides!
It’s Really Not About Food with Laurelee Rourke!
An in depth discussion of body image and eating issues with a fabulous expert in the field sharing her personal experience and inspiring guidance to honor and respect the body that you have.
Blasting Away Blocks with Shara Ogin!
We're hearing about some very interesting gifts and abilities on this episode with a clairvoyant reverend who can see the blocks within people that hold them back from their full potential!
Visiting Her Holy Temple with Neesa Mills!
Neesa guides us into the mystical world of the Feminine Divine and Her Holy Temple and how she works with women to trust themselves fully and come into their own divine wisdom.
Finding the Divine Will for Your Life with Ama Ravensong!
An exciting exploration of energetic anatomy, reiki, energy medicine, and how to connect with the Divine Will for our lives!
Meeting and Healing Your Inner Child with Radavie Riom!
An exciting exploration of a very unique approach to inner child work that is both fascinating and endearing as we hear the guest's personal story of doing their own work.
Living in Full Color with Corry McDonald!
Exploring the journey to living your full, authentic self and letting your unique spirit shine!
Soulmate Manifestation with Dragonfly!
Talking all about the art of manifestation and coming into alignment with a soul mate!