Welcome to December 2024! And Happy New Moon in Sagittarius. We are crossing into the final month of this ( fill in the blank) year. How would you describe 2024? How do yoy feel about it? Well guess what, however you might be feeling this New Moon in Sag combined with Mercury retrograde are here to remind you that; it ain’t over yet! One more stretch to go for 2024 and there may just be some delightful surprises in store for YOU!
On this Divine Feminine solo episode, I do some divinations for this New Moon, talk Sagittarius, being unapologetic, and affirming that good things are to come. I get a good feeling about this month and I hope that optimistic sense rains down on each of you to soak up as you walk or dance your way through December. Enjoying a time to slow down and savor sweets moments and reflect and how fucking awesome you are.
Moonology Oracle Cards, https://www.yasminboland.com/books/moonology-cards/
Mary El Tarot, https://www.rachelswirl.co.uk/review/the-mary-el-tarot/
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Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082
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