Happy September & New Moon in Virgo! This moon has a lovely, calming energy and lucky for us because it is wedged between Mercury Retrograde and the upcoming eclipse season ( which kicks off on my birthday, September 12th!) These next 10 days can be an opportune time to check out a bit from life and check in with yourself. Find some time and space to embrace Hermit mode and perhaps have a heart to heart with yourself about how you can begin your life’s work.

On this Divine Feminine solo episode I share my thoughts on this moon and this time leading up to eclipse season. Eclipse season often throws us Divine curveballs that challenge us just enough that we’re ready to receive what we’ve asked for. Yet even so they can be rough and tiring waters. So I suggest using this time to be in the stillness and quiet, create some harmony and balance in your life, and explore what is holding you back so you may ask for guidance on a breakthrough.

Galactic Ambassador Astrology: https://youtube.com/@galacticambassadorastrology?si=wAoHU4MpjQp3pC8g

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Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here: 
Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken