Everyone is familiar with the concepts of manifestation and soul mates. Yet it can feel very elusive as to how exactly we can have either of these experiences in our lives. Today I’m talking to my amazing and gifted friend, Dragonfly, about the power of manifestation and how we can harness it to unite us with our soulmates. We delve into how we can do the work of manifestation in love and in all aspects of our lives. Dragonfly shares her personal understanding of what a soul mate really is and the most efficient route to call them in as well as her own personal story of a 3 year manifestation journey that took her around the world and ultimately to meeting her sweet soul mate. Work and connect with her here! Dragonflymanifests.com, https://www.instagram.com/soulmate_manifestation_coach
Clubhouse: Dragonfly De La Luz, DragonflyDelaluz@gmail.com
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