It’s time again for a little refresher on the Women Waken motto for 2024, FOCUS ONLY ON WHAT YOU WANT. That’s right, the good old Magician in the Mirror message that came to me right at the turn of the year and has stuck with me so I have to keep sharing it with you all. Today I was reminded of that message as I looked around at my life right now and felt so much gratitude for what I saw. And another phrase came to mind that was shared with me last year, “Thank you! more of that please!” Affirming to the Universe that you like what you’re seeing and want more of it.

On this Divine Feminine solo episode, I elaborate on this sweet yet powerful little sentiment that can be your greatest tool in making that choice to only focus on what you want and not on what you don’t. To embrace your Divine power to be the Magician and build the life of your dreams with only the highest quality materials made of up your wildest dreams.

Tarot Landscapes Deck,

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Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken