After completing the first solo episode on Inner Child work I realized that a follow up was necessary. It really is a two part process, the second of which becomes a beautiful, life-long practice that produces a wonderful friendship. The lasting benefits of Inner Child work comes from developing a relationship with and maintaining connection with our inner child. The beauty is that through this connection, which we create by frequently checking in with & listening to our inner child, we stop neglecting our own needs, cries for help & acknowledgment to begin hearing our fears and resistance based on past hurts. We also get to make time to have more fun & experiences of joy that bring our Inner Child to light.
On this Identify & Heal solo episode I offer my take on how you can begin to develop a relationship with your inner child by creating practices of asking them questions & listening to their responses. Then deciding to take their feelings and responses into consideration whenever we make choices or major decisions in our lives to ensure that we’re moving forward from a place of self love & honor rather than impulse and neglect for our true feelings.
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Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082…
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken
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