Patience is a virtue….I often want to follow this statement with “…that I have very little of.” Although I realize its benefits, patience has never been my strong suite. Like so many of us in our society I get caught up in instant gratification, impatience, and a lack of faith that things can work out even if I let go of control and trust the timing. The problem is that patience may in fact be the key ingredient to allowing your deepest desires to manifest in your life. If that is the case, what can we do to practice greater patience in our lives?

On this Divine Feminine Solo episode I wanted to offer some insight into the many benefits of patience & how it impacts every aspect of our life including our destiny. I also share suggestions for embracing and adapting a patience mentality, restraining from the Human urge to always be DOING or trying to make something happen. And of course I share some quotes & get into some case specific challenges with exercising patience & how it can improve otherwise potentially disappointing outcomes.

Spirit Animal Oracle Deck:

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Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken