““And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”
― John Steinbeck, East of Eden

This quote inspired the Divine Feminine solo episode for this week. Sometimes you read a quote and it just hits you. Opens a pathway in your brain that allows you to realize, “Oh…maybe that could be true.” I read this quote at just the right moment to get the message clearly, it’s time to stop fighting to be perfect and just be you, perfectly. Why do so many of us hold on so tightly to the idea of perfection, particularly Women? Always pushing, trying to get closer & closer to what we think will finally allow us to be “enough”, happy, and free to enjoy our lives. I believe it’s because we don’t know how to accept ourselves unconditionally, as we are, in the moment. We’re always seeking more to get us closer to this unachievable state of “perfection” because the pursuit has become more comfortable to us than actually being able to feel perfect or even, enough. I hope you get the message meant for you out of it, thank you for listening!

Archangel Oracle Cards | Doreen Virtue, Ph.D : https://tinyurl.com/2nt567v6

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Whitney Walker, LMFT
License # 107082
IG: @Womenwaken
Youtube: @womenwaken