What does childhood trauma look like when you’re an adult? When it’s been buried deep within us, it doesn’t just go away. And once you find it, how can you manage and treat it? These are the questions that my dear friend and fantastic guest, Ingrid Christine Abild-Pedersen, answers on the show this week as we dive into the murky waters of childhood trauma and how to begin the healing journey. Ingrid is the author of Unmasked:  A Triumphant Memoir of Recovery from Childhood Trauma, Eating Disorder, and PTSD where she tells her story of finding the courage to face her trauma and reach a level of joy and fulfillment in her life that she never knew was possible. 

On this episode, Ingrid and I discuss the nature of trauma and the connection between childhood trauma, physical symptoms, and mental health. Ingrid also shares insight into the phenomenon of delayed trauma release in later life and how she was able to use her intuition to identify and heal from it. 

Several take aways from this episode will help you to cope with the pain of childhood trauma and eating disorders. Listen in to learn how healing is possible.

  • Hold and feel your trauma to release it
  • Inner child meditation is key
  • Give yourself grace 
  • Growth mindset
  • Be conscious of trauma patterns to change them and shift into confident self worth

Ingrid Christine Abild-Pedersen is the owner and founder of Abild-Pedersen Coaching and a speaker. She is a Certified Professional Coach and an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, trained by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. 

Ingrid is the author of “Unmasked – A Triumphant Memoir of Recovery from Childhood Trauma, Eating Disorder, and PTSD”. She wrote her memoir with the hope to spread awareness of the connection between childhood trauma, physical symptoms, and mental health.

Ingrid, who has lived in Denmark, Germany, and England, now lives in California. She is working with both national and international clients on breaking patterns and building leadership in their own lives. Additionally, since 2017, she has served as a guest lecturer for California Northstate University, teaching medical students about the connection between trauma and physical symptoms. 

You can connect with Ingrid and order her book here:

Abild-Pedersen Coaching

Ingrid Christine Abild-Pedersen, CPC, ELI-MP

Certified Professional Coach

Email: ingrid@abildpedersencoaching.com

Web: http://www.abildpedersencoaching.com

Unmasked:  A Triumphant Memoir of Recovery from Childhood Trauma, Eating Disorder, and PTSD
